Long Story Short, I Survived

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Four years later

Padmé was looking over her holopad when a noise alerted her of an incoming transmission. She accepted it and a blue hologram appeared on the desk. Her face lit up at the sight.
"Hello old friend!" She greeted.
"Chancellor Amidala," the man bowed.
"It's just Padmé for you, you and Breha are like family." She insisted.

"So, what is the reason for this call?"
"I wanted to inform you of the success of your peace treaties. Kashyyyk has just agreed to join the trade arrangement."
"That's great to hear," Padmé smiled. "How are things on Alderaan?"
"We're doing very well. We look forward to your visit," he replied.

Alderaan was thriving after the fall of the empire, being one of the main hubs for republic activity. Bail and Breha were fair and just rulers, and their planet was getting stronger each day. Bail and Breha seemed to form an immediate bond with Leia, who returned the sentiment completely. The Skywalkers planned to take a holiday of sorts to Alderaan to visit their friends, and to give Padmé a break from work.

There was a knock at the door so Padmé quickly bid her friend goodbye and turned her attention to the person in the doorway.

"Padmé, Luke and Leia have returned from training." Nova informed her. Padmé looked at the time.
"That was quick, please send them in." She barely got the words out before the two of them burst into the room.
"Mother, don't listen to her!" Luke exclaimed, trying to push past his sister.
"Obi Wan sent us home early because Luke lost his lightsaber!" Leia revealed with a smirk.
"Again?" Padmé sighed. He was so much like Anakin.
"I didn't lose it! I misplaced it," Luke protested in irritation.
"Hey! Lil Skyguy, catch." Ahsoka entered the room, tossing a familiar object towards him. Luke fumbled to catch it, then shook it triumphantly in Leia's face.
"See! I found it!"
"You mean Aunt Ahsoka found it." Leia stated. Luke stuck his tongue out at his sister before turning to Ahsoka.
"Thanks, Auntie Soka."
"You're welcome, kiddo. Now go tell Obi Wan before he starts to second guess his decisions train another Skywalker."
The twins rushed out, still pushing each other to get there first. Ahsoka turned back to Padmé and chuckled.

"Thank you Ahsoka,"
"No problem. Is everything set for the Erso's arrival tomorrow?" She asked.
"Almost everything. I just have to run these meeting schedules down to office."
"Let me do that for you, you need a break." Ahsoka took the papers without another word.
"Thank you. Would you mind also checking in with Rex about the security for tomorrow?"
"Of course. I'm on it." Ahsoka saluted her jokingly before leaving the room.

Padmé took a moment to enjoy the silence of her office, which she knew would be interrupted at any moment. A couple seconds later a high squeal bounced off the walls, followed by a giggly call.
Just as she expected.

Padmé spotted her youngest child running towards her, a big smile on her face.
"He's gonna get me!" She squealed, ducking behind her mother's legs.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the monster!" Padmé exclaimed, crouching into a battle position.
"Where has that princess gone? Your guards are no match for me, princess!" A man appeared in front of them, before staggering back dramatically. "Ahh! You have found an Angel! I can not fight against her beauty!" He looked around dramatically. "Tell me Angel, have you seen a princess come through here?" He asked with a boyish smile. The scars on his body, some covered up, did nothing to change the effect he had on her heart. He was still her Anakin.

Padmé smiled. "No, no princess. But I did find a little girl that needs a nap." She played along.
"No I don't!" Luna wined.
"There she is!" Anakin scooped her up and tickled her, causing her too break out into giggles again.
"It's time for bed, Luna. You need lots of sleep if you're going to fight the monster," Padmé told her.
Luna looked at her father with an adorable glare. "You won't catch me next time." She insisted.
"Of course princess. Now go choose a book and I'll meet you there." Anakin said. Luna nodded and ran off. Padmé watched her until she disappeared down the hall.
Although they had regular doctors visits to check on her heart, Padmé still worried about her youngest child.
"She's alright." Anakin said, noticing her concern.
"I know. I just worry about her overdoing it." Padmé replied. He wrapped his arms around her, tucking her head under his chin.
"She's four, Angel. She'll stop when she tires herself out." Anakin assured her.
Padmé sighed, relaxing in her husband's arms.

The galaxy had finally escaped the control of Palpatine and she was surrounded by people she loved. Her Anakin was back and her three children were safe. They were a family again. Padmé couldn't even begin to describe their journey over the last ten years. They had been all around the galaxy and faced multiple hardships in the process. She was hurt and betrayed and manipulated, but she was also loved and cared for, and now, she was happy. Their journey was hard for anyone to summarise.

But long story short, she survived.


The end

Thank you for the support, I hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride. I will hopefully do more Anidala stories, but you'll have to wait and see. Thanks for reading!

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