I Wake and Watch You Breathing with Your Eyes Closed

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When Padmé woke up, she was shocked to see that Anakin was still beside her. He looked so peaceful.
She remembered waking up beside him in her apartment on Courasaunt. Those days were her favourite.

His mouth was parted slightly, appearing to be completely relaxed. In that moment he wasn't the feared Darth Vader, he was Anakin Skywalker. The boy she met on Tattooine. The man she fell in love with on Naboo. The father of her babies.

He let out a snore, startling her. Padmé giggled and sat up just as her wristband beeps, sending a small vibration through her wrist. Making sure that Anakin was still asleep, she slowly crept out of bed with a sheet around her naked body and into the large wardrobe. She had limited time to decode it before it was deleted, so she dug out her book and some paper to translate it.

It simply read: old base destroyed

Padmé frowned. Before she could ponder it further there was a knock at the wardrobe door.
"Angel?" Anakin asked. "Are you in there?"
"Just a minute," she called back, throwing on a black dress so it looked like she was actually changing in there. She opened the door to find him there wearing nothing but a robe.
"Good morning," she greeted.
Anakin leaned down to kiss her, running his hands through her messy hair.

The kiss was still going when the twins ran in from their room. Luke immediately covered his eyes. "Ew!"
The couple separated and laughed.
Luke ran over and Padmé picked him up, tickling him.
Anakin placed Leia on his shoulders and the twins started arguing about who was taller.

A few minutes later Anakin was ready, putting his lightsaber on his belt.
"So, what are you doing today?" Padmé asked from her vanity.
"Sorry Angel, it's classified. I'm leaving the base for the day." He told her.
"Be careful," Padmé said worriedly, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
Anakin kissed the top of her head and smiled before he left.

An hour later, she was once again called in to see to emperor. Sighing, she stood up and left.
"Anything to say today?" He asked her in his croaky voice. Padmé glared, keeping her mouth shut.
"Very well." The sound of static filled the air.

Filler chapter, so it's shorter

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