And the Road Not Taken Looks Real Good Now

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The whole station was grey, not a drop of colour apart from the occasional red and white of the stormtroopers. The med room was no different.
Padmé sat on the cold metal bench, wringing her hands together. The medical droid had left a couple of minutes ago to get her results, and she couldn't stop fidgeting while she waited. The med droid was taking its sweet time, coming back what felt like an eternity later.

"I have your results." The droid said. It's robotic voice gave away no emotion.
"Yes?" She promoted, wanting an answer. She wished that they would just spit it out.
"Congratulations Mrs. Vader. You are twelve weeks pregnant."

Padmé inhaled sharply, covering her mouth with her shaking hands. In other circumstances, she would be excited. She imagined this happening on Naboo, Anakin next to her, discovering that they were having another child. He would hug her and lift her off her feet like he had so many times before. The droid continued, oblivious to her reaction.
"Everything seems to be fine with the foetus at this point in time. You are almost at your second trimester which means that the nausea should decrease and you should start to show soon." The droid rattled on, and she tuned it out until one question caught her attention.
"Do you wish for confidentiality?"
"Yes, that would be best." She nodded quickly. She felt calmed knowing that they droid had to follow protocol.
"Yes, Mrs. Vader. I will see you back here in two weeks."


Anakin arrived at their room that evening to find Padmé seated at her vanity. She caught his eye and the mirror and turned around, smiling sadly.
"It was a false alarm." She told him. She hated lying, but she knew that he couldn't know yet. Not until she knew what he would do.
"That's alright, I'm sure it will happen when the force wills it to." Her husband replied, stroking her cheek. She could see the disappointment in his eyes and bit her tongue.
"I was thinking of taking the twins to work with me tomorrow, give you some time to yourself." He suggested, taking her hand. "No, I'm fine, Ani. They'll just get in your way," she protested.
"I'm only doing checks around the station, I'll bring them back before the meeting with my master."
Padmé sighed. She could use some time to herself. She needed to process what had happened and figure out what to do.
"Alright," she sighed tiredly.
Anakin smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Question for today:
What do you think of Nova?

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