I Don't Belong, and My Beloved Neither Do You

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Blurry images passed through Padmé's vision. "It's all right, Angel. You're doing great," a reassuring voice to her left said, squeezing her hand. She angled her head to see her husband, but he quickly disappeared and instead all she could feel was pain.

"One more push!"
Blurred lights hurt her eyes.
"Wait, there's another baby coming!"
The only thing weighing her to reality was the feeling of her husband's hand in hers.
"Congratulations! A beautiful boy and girl!"
The babies cries as they took their first breathes of air were like a symphony to her. Her husband's hand was gone, and instead a tiny fist was wrapped around her finger. It was then that she realised her children were born in the empire. Born into the home of the darkness. She made a silent vow that she wouldn't let that happen again. None of her children belonged in the shadows of the empire.

Padmé opened her eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the artificial lights on the ceiling.
"Padmé! You're alright!" Bail appeared at her side first, giving her a relieved smile. An unfamiliar woman appeared next, holding a holopad.
"Ms Amidala, you gave us quite the scare," she said. Padmé realised she was a doctor, and was surprised to see a human instead of a droid.
"Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant?" Mon asked from the other side of the room where she had just walked in.
"I'm sorry. I was scared we would be made to leave."
"We would never force you out," Bail reassured her.
"I know," Padmé sighed, then looked at the doctor.
"Is the baby okay?"
"Baby's doing fine. Their heartbeat was a little fast, but it will be better after you rest." She told the pregnant woman.
"Thank you," Padmé sat up, turning her attention to Mon's anxious face.
"Is something wrong?" She questioned.

"Rebel Tano just returned. She requests a meeting with the three of us and Galen." Mon told them.
"Then let's go." Padmé stood up, Bail hovering beside her nervously. He caught her arm when she swayed a bit.
"You need to rest, Padmé."
"I will, but I want to see Ahsoka first. We need to know how she went,"

Shortly after their arrival to the rebel base, Ahsoka left with a small squadron to look into a lead on Obi Wan. Padmé knew that she must have found something if she was requesting all of them.


As soon as the entered the room, Padmé recognised the lost look on Ahsoka's face. It was much like when she was accused of attacking the temple, and she once again looked like a young teenager who didn't know what they should do. Padmé ran forward and swept her into a hug. Galen sat at the desk looking concerned.

"What do you have to report?" Bail asked after Padmé pulled back from the younger woman.
"We spoke to the informer, and we found out that Obi Wan was arrested by a pirate group. They plan to turn him over to the empire for pay." Ahsoka told them.
"And how are they planning to do that?" Padmé asked.
"We're not sure, but speculation says they will meet in three days at sun down."
"We don't know yet. But, we found a  public database that he signed into on Tattooine, so if we can hack into his comlink connection, we may be able to trace his current location," Ahsoka explained.
"I will do my best," Galen assured them, and Padmé assumed this wasn't the first hacking job he had done for the republic.
"So we just have to wait?" Padmé asked for clarity.
"Sometimes that's all we can do." Mon told her. Ahsoka smiled at her reassuringly, reaching over to squeeze her hand.


Nova greeted Padmé with a cup of tea.
"Is everything alright?" She asked. Padmé took a sip and sat tiredly on the couch. She was about to explain when another door opened and she jumped, almost spilling tea all over herself.
"Mummy!" Luke launched himself at her as soon as she put the cup down. Leia followed behind him, sitting beside her mother in a calmer fashion.
"Luke was scared," she told her.
"I was not!" Luke protested, wiggling around in his mother's arms to pout at his sister.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" Padmé asked, stroking the boy's blond hair.
"He had a nightmare." Leia said bluntly.
"Shut up Leia!" Luke crossed his arms and turned back to his mother. "I'm a Jedi. I don't get scared."
"Everyone gets scared, Luke. Even Jedi." The woman comforted.
"Even daddy?" He asked hesitantly.
Padmé's smile faltered.
"Yes, even daddy. He used to get nightmares to."
"Really?" Luke's eyes widened.

A knock at the door caused the room to fall silent. Padmé and Nova's eyes met warily, before Padmé stood up. Nova ushered the kids back into their room as Padmé slowly made her way towards the door, knowing she was being paranoid. After all, if they meant to harm them, they wouldn't knock.

She swung open the door to find a startled woman who's hand was raised to knock once again. Her other arm was wrapped around a basket of clothing.
"Hello, I'm looking for Padmé?" She asked after a few seconds.
"That's me,"
"I'm sorry to disturb you. I brought some clothes for your family." She offered.
"Oh, please come in." Padmé stepped aside to let her enter their quarters. Lyra placed the basket on the table and smiled warmly at Padmé.
"I'm Lyra. You met my husband, Galen. He mentioned that you were looking for some clothes for your children." She pulled out the the clothes and began placing them in piles. "My Jyn is the same age as your twins, so I brought some of her clothes. Oh, and there's a few of my things for you and your friend."
"That's very kind. Thank you very much." Padmé replied.
Lyra smiled and continued folding the clothes into neat piles.
"If you need anything else, feel free to ask. We're just down the hall."
"Thank you for this." Padmé repeated after the basket was empty.
"It's no problem. My family knows a thing or two about leaving the empire." Lyra told her. Padmé blinked, remembering what Bail had said about Galen working for the empire. She smiled warmly at the woman, gesturing to the seat beside her.
"Would you like to stay for cup of tea?"

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