Sorry For Not Making You my Centrefold

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It was loud in the bunker. Everyone had settled into their own space with their loved ones to wait out the attack. People were crying, arguing, and even yelling.
But none of that mattered to Padmé. She lay on a cold metal table in the back corner, a curtain the only thing separating the medical room from the rest of the bunker. Nova was distracting the twins while she got looked at. Her stomach cramped up and she let out a shaky breath. The doctor from her last check up was checking between her legs for any blood. Ahsoka was waiting on the other side of the partition to give her privacy.
"Mum seems fine. Let's check on baby, okay?" The doctor smiled kindly, preparing the ultrasound.

The doctor moved the small scanner over her stomach, her brow furrowing.
Padmé noticed her concerned look and immediately knew something was wrong.
"I'm picking up some irregularities in the baby's heartbeat."
"What do you mean?" Padmé choked out.
"It's beating at an accelerated rate." The doctor explained.
Padmé's eyes darted over to the image on the screen.
"Will they be okay?"
"Honestly, it's hard to say. You should reach delivery if you lower your stress levels and rest, but even then they may be born with complications." The doctor turned away from the screen.
"But why? How could this have happened?" Padmé just managed to keep it together and hold back her emotions.
"There's a few possibilities. Sometimes it can happen after the mother experiences a severe enough electric shock. Sometimes the high heart rate is
from stress. It's hard to say for sure." The doctor wiped her stomach and turned off the machine. "For now you just need to rest. Is there anything I can get you?" She asked kindly, pitying her.
"No, thank you."
The doctor smiled sadly and left, closing the curtain behind her to give her some privacy.

Padmé put a hand to her stomach. It was all her fault. She had pushed herself too much in the past few weeks. She was so focused on escaping the empire and taking care of the twins and earning her spot in the rebel alliance. She hadn't listened to her body and slowed down. She hadn't taken care of her baby.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. Then she began to sob.

"Padmé?" Ahsoka appeared through the curtain looking concerned. Seeing Padmé shaking, she sat down and wrapped an arm around her. Padmé dropped her head onto the other woman's shoulder and cried.


After she had eventually calmed down and explained what was wrong, Padmé was drained.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Ahsoka whispered. She sounded more worried than angry.
"I knew you wouldn't let me come on the mission." Padmé's face fell and she buried it in her palms. "I'm a terrible mother." She cried, more tears appearing in her eyes.
"No you're not."
"I am! I keep running into danger without thinking and I tore the twins away from their home-" she choked on a sob.

Ahsoka put her hands on her shoulders and made her look at her.
"Listen to me. Why did you take the kids and leave when you found out you were pregnant?"
"Because I didn't want that life for them. I didn't want them to be manipulated like Anakin was." Padmé hiccuped.
"Exactly. To me, that sounds like a great mother who puts her children first. As for the baby, everything will be okay. They're your kid, so I bet you've got a fighter in there." Ahsoka smiled.
"Thank you." Padmé sighed, hugging her tightly.
"No problem. We'll probably be stuck here for a few more hours, so get some rest, okay? We'll keep the kids entertained."

Padmé agreed gratefully, laying down tiredly. She placed a hand on her stomach, tracing small circles over her bump.
"Let's make a deal, okay little one? Mummy will do her best to rest and you do your best to fight, okay?"
In that moment, Padmé could have sworn she felt a little kick.

The pregnancy stuff isn't all accurate but I tried.

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