Forever is the Sweetest Con

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Padmé found herself wishing to pass out so she didn't have to feel the electric currents ripping through her body. He was still questioning her about the message, as well as reports that an unidentified signal had been sent from the base. It lasted  longer than last time, as if he expected that she would eventually break. But she didn't. By the time he was done she could barely move and had to escorted by the guards. Palpatine had been careful as to not leave evidence on her physical self this time, only internal scars.

All she wanted was to lay down, maybe have a bubble bath and a glass of wine. As she stumbled into her room, she found that it was oddly quiet. She found Nova in the kids room putting toys away.
"Where are they?" Padmé asked, supporting her body on the doorway.
"Lord Vader picked them up, my lady." She replied.
Padmé frowned. He better not have taken them to train in the force. Just as she finished fixing her frizzy hair and smudged makeup, she could hear the sound of little footsteps.
The twins burst into the room, her husband following just behind them with a basket.
"Mummy! Mummy! We're going outside!" Luke exclaimed, bouncing around. Padmé looked at her husband in confusion, and he gave her a smile.
"We're passing a planet that is mostly inhabited. I thought we could have a picnic," he told her.
Padmé smiled back, suddenly ignoring her pain.
"That sounds great."


The planet reminded her of Naboo, with fields of flowers and soft green grass everywhere. Luke and Anakin had run off to play some game while Leia sat beside her on the grass.
"What are you doing, mommy?" She asked.
"Just wait, I'm almost done." Twisting the last two flowers together, Padmé lifted the flower crown to place on her daughter's head. "There you go, now you look like a princess,"
"You need one too! I'll make one for you," Leia exclaimed, excitedly ripping purple flowers from the ground.
"Hold on honey, you need to be gentle." Padmé sat Leia on her lap and guided her hands through weaving the flowers. Once it was done, Leia stood up and placed it on her mother's head.
"See mommy? Now you're a princess too!"

It was at that moment that the boys returned and Luke's gaze landed on the flowers.
"Where'd you get those?" He asked curiously.
"Mommy and I made them," Leia said proudly, hands on her hips.
"Can I have one?" Luke questioned.
"No! It's only for princesses!" Leia said.
"Princes can wear flowers too, Leia. Come here, honey. I'll make you one." Padmé laughed.

Luke watched with warped attention as she weaved a crown out of yellow flowers. After it was finished, Luke insisted that he make one for Anakin so they could all match. Anakin ducked his head and let his son crown him, laughing.

The family then ate the food they packed, telling stories to the twins of their time on Naboo. After they were done, the kids dragged their parents into a game of chase. But this then turned into a game where the twins teamed up and tackled Anakin while Padmé watched in amusement. By the time they left hours later, the sun had already set.


When they returned to the base, the kids were fast asleep.
"And they said they weren't tired when it was time to leave." Anakin laughed, carrying Luke.
"It was all that fresh air," Padmé countered, hoisting Leia higher in her arms.

The parents gently tucked the kids into bed, whispering good nights and closing the door behind them.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" Anakin asked as they walked into their room.
"It was lovely, Ani. It brought back so many memories," she sighed, undoing the back of her dress. It fell to the floor and she stepped out in her undergarments.
"It did, didn't it? Too bad we couldn't roll around in the grass this time," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her.
"Who says it needs to be on the grass?" She smirked, tugging on his shirt playfully. Anakin smiled, shrugging off his shirt and leaning in to kiss her urgently.

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