I Think He did It But I Just Can't Prove It

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A pounding on the door woke Galen from his sleep, and he instantly reached for his blaster. He slid the door open and came face to face with a frantic Padmé.

"They're about to bomb the base! We need to go!" She yelled.
Galen immediately jumped into action, looking for his com link to contact everyone else. He turned back to ask her more questions, but Padmé had run off before he could say anything.
"Galen? What's going on?" Lyra asked sleepily from the doorway to their bedroom.
"Lyra! I need you to take Jyn and go to the bunker right now!" He turned on his com link and yelled. "Code red! I need everyone to evacuate to the bunker now!"


Padmé ran, Luke in her arms and Leia running beside her holding her hand.
The speakers buzzed to life. "Code red! All inhabitants get to the bunker now! I repeat, code red!"

"Mummy, what's happening?" Luke asked.
"I'll tell you after," Padmé panted, struggling to talk while they ran.

People ran from all directions towards the staircase, bumping into each other and pushing their way through the crowd. Padmé kept a tight hold of her children as they were carried along with the crowd.

The crowd stumbled down the hall hurriedly, yelling and crying out. Padmé fumbled, hearing the twins cry out in fear and confusion. Suddenly Leia let go of her hand and Padmé panicked, before looking over to see Ahsoka carrying her. They kept moving down the long hall, being pushed around in the crowd. Padmé stopped as a cramp tore through her abdomen, and she almost doubled over in pain. She fell behind as everyone else kept moving, struggling to stand.
"Mummy?" Luke asked from her arms.
"Padmé?" Ahsoka yelled from the end of the hall. The rest of the group had already gone down the stairs.
Padmé took another step, crying out in pain.
Ahsoka ran over with Leia, both looking concerned.
"I can't," Padmé squeaked, falling to her knees. She let go of Luke, pushing him towards Ahsoka. "I'm coming, just get them in there," she panted. Ahsoka ignored her, putting Leia down.
"You two, get into the bunker and stay there. Find Obi Wan or Bail," she ordered. The twins looked worriedly at their mother before turning and running down the stairs.
Ahsoka slung Padmé's arm over her shoulder and pulled her up.

"Only a few more steps," Ahsoka assured her as they stumbled along.
"Padmé? Ahsoka?" A man called in the distance.
"Over here!" Ahsoka yelled back, and Bail appeared at the top of the stairs. Seeing his friend's condition, he ran over and grabbed her other arm. Together the two of them moved faster, practically dragging her down the stairs towards the bunker.


As soon as they entered, the door slid shut behind them.
"Come with me, we have medical equipment here just in case." Bail said, leading them to a back corner. They helped Padmé sit on the cot, and soon the pain had subsided.
"Luke.. Leia," Padmé looked around. "They're right here Padmé," Ahsoka said, beckoning the twins fowards from were Obi Wan was standing with them. He had been trying to calm them down as soon as they entered and had stopped them from running back out to the hallway.
Padmé saw their worry and smiled reassuringly.
"It's alright, I'm okay." She told them.
The shelter suddenly shook and there was a loud boom above their heads. The twins both jumped into their mother's arms, hiding their faces in her neck. She held them tight, waiting for the storm to end.
There were two more impacts in the next minute, before the bunker settled again.
"There was four on the scanner." Padmé heard Bail say quietly.
"I've counted three so far." Ahsoka  responded. A couple of minutes passed in silence while they waited for the last one. It finally hit the base and shook the walls around them.

A few minutes after everything settled, Galen and Nova found them in the crowded room.
"What do we do now?" Nova asked worriedly.
"We think that was the last one, but we're going to keep everyone here for a few more hours to be sure. There's enough food and supplies to last longer if it is needed." Bail explained.
Galen turned to Padmé, who told the twins to play with the others kids.
"How did you know about this Padmé?"
"Ani- Vader came to me in my dream. He was trying to warn us."
"Is that possible?" Bail questioned Obi Wan. The Jedi stroked his beard in thought.
"The force works in ways we do not always understand. Despite everything, the two of you still have a connection that can't be denied."
Padmé looked down, placing her hands on her stomach without realising.
"Are you alright? Is it the baby?" Nova asked.
"Baby?" Ahsoka's eyes grew wide as she looked at her friend. "You're pregnant?"
"This is news to me as well." Obi Wan added.
"You didn't know?" Bail asked. Padmé tried to think of what to say, but another pain seized her stomach before she could.

"Come on Padmé, let's get you checked out," Ahsoka said, her expression softening at her obvious pain.

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