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After Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming arrived in France, the first thing Mu Jiuqing did with them was to worship Fang Yan.

Fang Yan's life is short and tortuous, but not many people really miss her. She used to be Mu Jiuqing's cinnabar dens in her heart. Unfortunately, the time she spent with her life was too short to love deeply. Mu Jiuqing was hit by the news of her "Luofu Youfu", and slowly digested her feelings in her heart. After so many years, Mu Jiuqing still loves her more than misses a special friend, because she gave him his adopted son Feng Weiming, who existed like a treasure.

The existence of Feng Weiming is the reason why Mu Jiuqing always remembers her.

After knowing what Chen Fu did, Mu Jiu fell in love with each other and felt more guilty. Fang Yan was completely noticed, imprisoned and even forced to give birth to Wei Ming because of him.

Unfortunately, Mu Jiuqing was already moved by Chen Fu when he knew the truth. He moved his emotions and lasted for a long time. A Fang Yan who had not become a lover made him remember for so long. When he arrived at Chen Fu, he repeatedly tried to throw him away countless times, but he could not let go. At the same time, he could not release the guilt of the other party, and also secretly hated that Chen Fu's actions gave him an unmanageable burden - the death of his beloved adopted son's biological mother and Chen Fu could not be separated from him. Chen Fu was also Feng Weiming's biological father. How could he be a mess?

With Mu Jiuqing's shrewd worldly, how can Chen Fumeng always be in the dark? Therefore, he knew the truth very early, but he was moved to Chen Fu with strong self-control, not letting Chen Fu wish, and making him jealous and sad for Fang Yan every time.

The situation of being together without all the scrums has lasted for ten years. It is suffering for both Mu Jiuqing and Chen Fu, and Mu Jiuqing's suffering is even more than Chen Fu, who has never hoped for being together. However, this is Mu Jiuqing's explanation to Fang Yan, although the other party has passed away for many years.

As for Chen Fu's small actions towards Mu's in China, Mu Jiuqing chose to look on coldly. First, domestic Mushi and overseas Mushi have always been both competitive and cooperative, and there are countless enemies in the open and secret. Chen Fu did not too much. If Mu Jiurong can't even stand this degree of calculation, it would be better for Mushi to go bankrupt directly in China. Secondly, Chen Fu's appearance of this crazy now is indeed indirectly related to Mu. He has the ability to revenge. Mu Jiuqing will not stop him. He is even ready to extend his hand to Mushi overseas. He will fight fiercely. He is looking forward to playing with Chen Fu. The man he likes is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he is willing to accept the appointment. What's the challenge? Unfortunately, Chen Fu's fierceness turned into a cowardly force when he met him, which made Mu Jiuqing happy and angry at the same time, and his mood was very contradictory.

Unexpectedly, the result of laissez-faire was that Chen Fu even wrote the idea of Feng Weiming, so that what he basically put down over the years had resurfaced. The most difficult thing is to face the adopted son who knows the truth. If Feng Weiming can't forgive in the end, Mu Jiuqing really kills Chen Fu's heart.

Or is this Chen Fu's real purpose? His greatest uneasiness and fear lies in Mu Jiu's "unforgettable" of the other party's Yan, so he also has a feeling for Feng Weiming, his own son. I'm afraid he has always hoped that he and Feng Weiming can completely break down, right?

However, Mu Jiuqing's conspiracy theory met Chen Fu's humble calmness that "as long as you don't leave anything, you leave me and die immediately", which is really impossible. Mu Jiuqing can torture him no matter what he wants. He doesn't care. The only thing Chen Fu cares about is Mu Jiuqing not leaving him.

Therefore, Mu Jiuqing asked Chen Fu to kneel in front of Fang Yan's tomb in front of Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming to repent. He simply fell on all fours and put his body on the ground to the ground to maintain the posture of kowtowing to Fang Yan's tombstone - because of amputation below the knees, he could not kneel, but Mu Jiuqing asked him to kneel, so he knelt down, He doesn't care about his posture at all.

"I'm sorry." The apology was also said.

Whether Mu Jiuqing or Mu Yixifeng Weiming heard that he was insincere. Chen Fu was just completing one of his lover's orders, nothing else.

Such a person, even if he kneels, is a blasphem to the dead. Blasphemy.

Chen Fu's concept is not right or wrong. The right and wrong that Mu Jiuqing believes is his right or wrong. Admiring Jiuqing is not a moral gentleman. He has his code of conduct. In addition, he is also a person with good and evil style. On the contrary, after undertaking Chen Fu's moral outlook, Mu Jiuqing restrained himself more than before. For both of them, I don't know whether it's lucky or unfortunate.

Mu Jiuqing looked at Chen Fu's virtue very ung, but he knew that even if he was reasonable with Chen Fu, Chen Fu would not understand, could not even pretend, and he would not feel guilty because of Fang Yan.

And he himself was also impure, just to show Feng Weiming, trying to make him relieve. He didn't dare to look at his adopted son's expression and quietly wink at Mu Yixi.

Mu Yixi's eyes never left Feng Weiming at all. He has been holding Feng Weiming's hand. He has no feelings for Chen Fu and Fang Yan. Chen Fu once kidnapped Feng Weiming, and his anger has not subsided so far. However, for Feng Weiming, one is his biological father and the other is his biological mother. The relationship between his real blood relatives was so chaotic that Mu Yixi was sad for Feng Weiming.

Feng Weiming looked blank since he stepped into the cemetery.

Mu Jiuqing's dilemma, Chen Fu's perfunctory, Mu Yixi's concern, Feng Weiming all saw it in his eyes. He looked at the name on the tombstone - Fang Yan didn't even leave a smiling photo. The epitaph was "I left a gift for the world". When Mu Jiuqing brought him to worship, he used it to say that his biological mother had not regretted giving birth to him. Feng Weiming grew up without his mother and never felt that his life had been missing.

No matter how much affection he has for each other, she is his mother, this fact will never change.

There is no need to feel guilty between mother and son.

Feng Weiming pulled Mu Yixi to kneel down, kowtowed three heads according to the domestic etiquette, and said faintly, "Mother, he is my lover, Mu Yixi. Bring him to you, he will take care of me, don't worry."

Mu Yixi immediately expressed his loyalty: "Mom, I will take care of Ming Ming, don't worry."

Feng Weiming gave him a soft look and pulled him up again. Mu Yixi bent down thoughtfully and patted the grass stained on his trousers.

Seeing Mu Jiuqing looking at himself in a complicated way, Chen Fu still maintained a five-body posture. Feng Weiming said, "Dad, go back." Don't think he can't see the reluctance of Mu Jiuqing's eyes that began to condense - to Chen Fu. The disabled person's body has trembling slightly because of his uncomfortable posture.

Dad can't help it.

Feng Weiming has a strange feeling that "Dad is going to get married". I don't know if Mu Jiuqing saw him with Mu Yixi at the beginning, was the same heart? His unpleasant views on Chen Fu are the same as Mu Jiuqing's unpleasant views on Mu Yixi?

There are many opportunities to meet in the future...

Feng Weiming's face was almost unobservable and calm.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yixi touched his face and whispered, "Any? I'll take revenge for you. Anyway, there are many opportunities.

Feng Weiming thought for a moment, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, tightening his hand and nodded: "OK."

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