Chapter 3

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On Monday morning, Kayden was woken up by his roommate, who decided it was a good idea to shake him after calling his name a few times. To Theo's credit, it worked, though Kayden was a bit confused for a second. 

"What?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes. 

"We've only got thirty minutes to get ready for class. Get up and get dressed," Theo said as he tightened his tie and moved around, grabbing books to put in his backpack. Kayden sat up and looked over to his friend's desk where he had about fifteen pencils all laying perfectly straight.

"Why do you line your pencils up like that if you're just going to put them in your backpack?" He asked and Theo looked at him, seeming to search for an answer. 

"For good luck," He said, and Kayden nodded a bit before he got up.

Kayden grabbed a pair of uniform pants, a white button-up, and the school blazer, quickly changing. The blazer was black with gold buttons and the pants were a dark gray color. The button-up was so stiff he could barely lift his arms fully. The tie was gray and gold with the symbol for the school which was also on the blazer. 

"Hey, um...Theo?" He asked, realizing he didn't know how to do his tie. Theo looked at him holding the strip of fabric, giving Kayden a 'really?' look. "I never learned how to do one."

"What, did your mom always do it for you?" Theo asked as he took it and tucked it under Kayden's shirt collar, quickly doing it, then pausing and redoing it two times before he took his hands away from it as if he'd keep himself from fixing it again. 

"I can usually get out of wearing one," Kayden said sheepishly. 

"Alright, come on, we gotta go," Theo said and Kayden nodded, grabbing his backpack before he headed out the door. Theo closed and locked their door, then relocked it two more times. 

"Dude, come on, we're gonna be late," Kayden said.

"But what if I left my drawer open?"

"You didn't," Kayden said, grabbing his hand to pull him towards the stairs. "Which way is the dining hall?" He asked once they were out of the building. 

"It's at building two, so, that way." He said, pointing to a big building of the same style. "Grant and Ezra are probably already in there." 

"Alright, let's go then, I'm starving."


After breakfast, Kayden found his way to his first class: literature. He got in on time and picked a desk, setting his things down before he took his seat. The only assignment had been to read The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost and write a few thoughts on it. It seemed like a pretty straightforward poem to him, he'd read it a few times before. He actually really liked Robert Frost, he wrote a few of Kayden's favorite poems, but his absolute favorite poem had to be War is Kind by Stephen Crane. He didn't hate reading, he was just picky with what he liked to read. 

He glanced over when someone sat in the seat next to him. A tall blond with broad shoulders and glasses. He appeared like the kind of person who spent hours in the morning styling his hair to look 'natural.' Kayden looked over his face, his skin was fucking flawless for one, but he also had strong features and a sharp jawline. 

"You gonna profess your love to me or are you just going to keep staring?" He asked as he set his literature textbook on his desk, looking at the redhead. His voice was deep and slightly husky. Kayden looked back to his desk, his cheeks coloring pink.

"I wasn't staring." He said, his voice coming out a bit more defensive than he meant it to. He heard the blond chuckle. The teacher came in, closing the door behind him with a small smile. 

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