Chapter 14

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a/n: So this is quite possibly my favorite chapter so far. I would also like to mention, there is one paragraph that subtly references a famous part of a Richard Siken poem and if you know him and can find it, you can have my heart and also, be my new best friend. Also, for all of the BMC fans out there, yes, I was thinking about Halloween and Michael In The Bathroom when I wrote this. Side note, but I listened to the Moonlight Sonata while writing this, and if you haven't heard all three parts, do it, it's phenomenal. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this and have a great day or night.

When Halloween finally came, it was a cold Sunday night. Kayden had realized the day before that he had no idea what to do for a costume, so he checked shops in town for anything he could use to throw something together.

"So...what are you?" Theo asked, slightly confused.

Kayden was dressed in a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black vans, pulling a pair of black dollar-store cat ears out of his pocket to put on his head with a little grin. "Black cat."

Theo snorted quietly. "I guess no one at the party is really going for the costumes anyway."

"You can still come if you want, costume or not."

"That's alright, I picked up a new book on the nomenclature of trees earlier, but here's the best part, there are thirty chapters and three hundred pages exactly," Theo said with a wide smile.

"I guess the author was a number weirdo too," Kayden said with a quiet laugh.

"Or he just understands that three is objectively the best number. Everything looks nice in groups of three, the number three itself has three points, and threes are easy to multiply. Everything should be in groups of three."

"I'd say five is the best number, it's also odd, but with five you've got some of the number greats like thirty-five and fifteen."

"Five is okay, not quite as nice, but better than four."

"Fours are gross." Kayden agreed. "Alright, I'm heading out, but I'll see you later, don't get in trouble without me." He said and Theo laughed.

"I'll try not to."


When Kayden showed up at Grant and Ezra's dorm, cat ears dawned, he was kind of expecting them to also have half-assed last-minute costumes. He wasn't entirely disappointed, though he wasn't expecting Grant to be wearing a sweater with what looked like a handpainted landscape on the front.

"I'm going as a Bob Ross painting." He explained with a grin.

"He wanted an excuse to follow a Bob Ross tutorial with fabric paint on a shirt," Ezra pointed out, brushing his hair down. He was wearing a tuxedo and a weirdly done bowtie.

"What are you?" Kayden asked.

Ezra sighed as if this was the last question he wanted to answer. "I'm Ralph Waldo Emerson, y'know, the poet?"

"I keep telling him he's not gonna get laid if he goes as a dead gay poet that no other teenager knows about," Grant said with a grin, nudging Ezra's shoulder teasingly.

"Maybe I don't wanna get laid," Ezra said, crossing his arms.

"Fair enough." Kayden shrugged.

"Oh, before we go, come here for a second," Grant said to him, picking up a sharpie off of the desk. He carefully drew a black nose and whiskers on Kayden's face. "Perfect, now you're set."

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