Chapter 4

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Ezra walked through the cafeteria, searching around for a moment, then smiling when he saw Grant. He set his tray down and sat next to his best friend.

"Hey, how was anatomy?" Grant asked and Ezra shrugged.

"Kind of how I expected a class with Heimann to go."

"Heimann loves you, though."

"He used to love me, then I got a D on that project last year," Ezra said and Grant rolled his eyes.

"He still loves you, one bad grade won't make a difference. I promise."

"Well, how was history?" Grant took a bite of his hot dog.

"Pretty good, Roberts is teaching it."


"Here, give me your schedule, I want to see if we have anything together," Grant said and Ezra dug around in his backpack until he found it, handing him the paper. Grant looked over it a moment and smiled. "We've got Latin and Psych."

"Are you signing up for newspaper again?" Ezra asked as he took his schedule back, folding it and putting it back in his backpack.

"Maybe, I feel like it's more of a question of whether or not I want to suffer under the dictatorship of Prince Astor," Grant said and Ezra laughed quietly.

"Don't say his name out loud, he might hear you, you know he's basically omniscient," Ezra joked.

"Yeah, he thinks he is," Grant said dismissively.

"Who are we talking about?" Kayden asked as he set his tray down.

"Just this guy, Elias, he gets voted school president every year, he's also been the lead editor of the newspaper since he was a freshman, and he's always top of his class. He's Walker's shining trophy student, he parades him around like he's his son or something." Grant said.

"I'd be surprised if Walker doesn't love Elias more than his own children," Ezra said and Grant almost choked on his food trying not to laugh.

"That guy is class president?" Kayden asked and Ezra looked at him.

"You've met him?"

"He's in my English class, he told me I read A Road Not Taken wrong."

"Sounds like him," Grant said. "Yeah, as much as that guy's a pain in the ass, I gotta hand it to him, I've never seen a work ethic like that. I wonder if he ever sleeps."

"I heard he's trying to get into Cambridge," Ezra said.

"I heard he's getting engaged soon," Theo said as he sat down.

"Seriously?" Kayden asked and Theo nodded.

"He's turning 18 this winter, his dad's gonna make him pick out a girl to court over the holidays."

"Nah, that's just a rumor. I doubt his dad will actually make him pick a wife before he finishes university," Grant said.

"Whoever he eventually gets together with is going to be marrying into some serious money though, like, 10th generation millionaire type money," Ezra said as he took one of Grant's fries.

"Hey, you have your own food," Grant said.

"But I like yours," Ezra said. Grant looked at him a moment before laughing softly and taking one of Ezra's chips.

Ezra had been friends with Grant since he'd come to Antisto 5 years ago and he and Grant had been put together on an art assignment. Even then Grant was an amazing artist, Ezra had basically sat there watching him in awe the whole time. He still had that scribble art portrait Grant had done of him sitting somewhere in his dorm, but he'd never tell Grant that.

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