Chapter 31

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a/n: Next up on this episode of 'literally just the dead poet's society but gayer' the group discovers the concept of old poetry and also possibly forms a cult. Also, I would like to point out that we recently hit 50k reads and that's just incredible, I love you guys and genuinely couldn't do any of this without you. Thank you so much for sticking with me this far, it's been a wild ride. Anyways, I hope you all like this one, I had fun writing it. Also, happy pride month! 

When morning came, Kayden looked out his window and grinned. There were at least three feet of snow on the ground and no way that the roads were still open. He rushed out of his room and down the hall, knocking excitedly on a door. When Elias came out, yawning and looking like he'd just woken up, he sighed at the appearance of Kayden who was practically bouncing on his heels. There was something reminiscent about this. 

"Tell me if that looks like enough snow to constitute a snow day," Kayden said, walking over to the window and leaning on the frame as if it were a personal accomplishment. 

"I'd say it looks like it," Elias said, resting one hand on his hip. "Which means I can go back to sleep."

"Or we could all hang out and do something fun with our snow day." 

"...Or I could go back to sleep for like-" Elias checked his watch, "Two hours, and then we could all do something after breakfast. Hey, you could go back to sleep too."

"How can you sleep at a time like this?"

"Kayden, it's a snow day, not Armageddon. Now, get out of my dorm and find someone else to pester, maybe Grant and Ezra will help you decorate the halls with paper snowflakes, but I am catching up on my rest." 


"No, it's too early. If I have the day off school, I'm using it the way I want." 

"You're so boring, oh my god."

"Okay, if that makes you feel better then so be it," Elias said, shooing Kayden out of the room. "I'll see you in a few hours," he said with a small smile and Kayden rolled his eyes as the door was closed and he heard the lock click. 

Kayden crossed his arms with a quiet huff, staring at the door for another moment as if it'd open again and Elias would tell him he'd just been kidding. When that didn't happen, he walked back to his room and flopped down on his bed. Maybe it was a bit early for activities anyway. He decided that he'd rather watch a show until everyone was awake instead of trying to get them to join in at seven in the morning. 


It was almost ten when everyone had finished breakfast and was hanging out in the common area of the dorms. Sometime around eight, Walker had announced over the speaker system that they would delay school by two hours, but just before ten, that familiar crackling was heard again.

"Hello again, students. I am just calling in to inform you all that, due to multiple roadways being closed down and many of your teachers being unable to come to work, you will have the day off. You may go outside, but be sure to stay on campus at all times. Mr. Adler and Mr. Heimann are still present on campus if any of you have questions about recent assignments, but they will only be available from noon to one p.m. Have a good day." 

Kayden, who'd been holding off putting his uniform on until the very last minute, grinned at Theo who'd gotten dressed half an hour ago. "I told you they'd call it in."

"They haven't called a snow day in two years," Theo said in his own defense, loosening his tie. 

"Luck of the Irish?" Grant suggested, elbowing Kayden who laughed quietly. 

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