Chapter 39

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a/n: Hey, I apologize for this being a day late. I know it's not a big deal, but I've been following the schedule so I was a little sad to break the streak. Also, for anyone wondering, I did get the job and I'm super excited about it. It's for a small business and the owner of the place seems really cool. Anyways, that's beside the point, I hope you all enjoy the chapter and have a great week!

Despite having called seven unofficial official poetry meetings since the beginning of the poetry group nearly two months ago, there was still very little actually decided about the group itself. It should also be noted that every meeting was both official and unofficial at the same time.  Official because it actually happened and Kayden and Grant thought that was good enough, unofficial because it did not have a name which both Ezra and Theo agreed was needed to consider any group meeting official. Because Elias and Brooks refused to put in a vote on the officiality of the meetings, the verdict tied them and made the group either unofficially official or officially unofficial, and sometimes both for the sake of agreeing to disagree.

Officiality aside, one thing that they could all agree on was that they'd like a better place to meet. They'd been meeting in the library sometimes, other times in the dorms, or in a clearing in the woods, but none of those places seemed to fit quite right. There was one day, though, that Kayden had suggested they hold a meeting on the beach. He was sure there was a way down to it through the woods, so they probably wouldn't be caught if they did it before curfew, and it'd be even safer on a Saturday night because they'd be allowed to leave campus. Sure, they weren't technically supposed to go down to the beach and they might get scolded by Walker if they were caught putting themselves in danger, but he probably wouldn't do too much about it. To his surprise, the rest of the group agreed. That was how they ended up walking through the forest at 6:00 pm on the last Saturday in March, trying to find a path down to the sand. 

"What if we get to the edge and realize that the only way down to the beach is off a massive cliff?" Theo asked as they trudged through the wet snow which had only just begun to melt in the past week or so. 

"Then we'll scrap the idea and figure out something else," Brooks said, moving aside a low-hanging branch so it wouldn't hit him. 

"I'm pretty sure there's a way down anyway, I can feel it in my bones," Kayden said with his typical smile of overconfidence.

"I don't know if I trust your bones," Grant said with a quiet laugh. 

"You know, I've never heard of anyone getting down to the beach," Ezra said. "Shouldn't someone have tried it by now?" 

"Well, they wouldn't talk about it if they did, and it's probably only high schoolers who've done it. You know how closely they watch the middle and elementary schoolers. So it's most likely happened, we just never heard about it," Brooks said. 

It was about a half hour later when Kayden finally found a path down to the beach. It was steep, but a path nonetheless. They all carefully trod down to the rocky sands. It was fairly windy, but it was also completely empty. There was nothing but them, a curved strip of sand, and the vast ocean. 

"Holy shit," Kayden whispered. 

"Life words," Elias murmured under his breath and Kayden kicked his foot with a grin.

"I bet that water's freezing," Ezra said, looking out across the beach. 

"Anyone wanna take a dip?" Kayden asked jokingly. 

"If you get hypothermia, you'll have to explain to the school nurse how it happened," Elias pointed out, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked out a bit further.

"Yeah, I wouldn't take my chances with that. Besides, if you get sick, you'll be behind and you do not want to be behind when prep for finals starts," Grant added.

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