Chapter 47

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a/n: Hey guys, I'm back again. I was pretty excited to write this chapter, mostly because I like books about people getting together, but I think the more interesting part of the story will be in the next book which will be more about the struggle of staying together because I don't see that explored much. Obviously, this is still pretty early on in their relationship, but flaws in character that are expressed early on don't tend to just go away and I just love writing about relationship dynamics and character development through relationships. Anyways, enough of my nerding out about the psychology of my characters, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and remember to drink a glass of water today. I realized five minutes ago that my only form of hydration in the last 24 hours was a bottle of dr. pepper that I drank last night. Don't be me, hydrate yourself. 

Ezra woke up to his screaming alarm. He swore he had some kind of trauma from hearing that sound split through his skull every morning for the past five years. He reached over to turn it off and felt Grant shift beneath him, wrapping his arms more tightly around him.

"Ready to face the day?" Grant asked sleepily in his usual tone of optimism, which was especially annoying at six in the morning.

"Ten more minutes," Ezra groaned, burying his face in the crook of Grant's neck as he settled back into his embrace.

"We have school," Grant murmured and Ezra could hear that stupid smile on his face.

"We had school yesterday."

"And we have it again today."

"No," Ezra said in a whine.



"Alright, ten more minutes," Grant agreed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. That was one of Ezra's favorite changes since they'd started dating, Grant kissed him now. He kissed him on his lips, his head, his cheeks, his hands and shoulders, his neck, and sometimes he'd kiss Ezra anywhere he could reach. At the moment though, Grant just rested his chin atop Ezra's messy morning hair, gently running a warm hand up and down his back. He was realizing more recently that he loved being touched like that, in that innocent and caring way. To him, it was better than anything else and he craved it.

Ezra was just beginning to get comfortable and drift back off to sleep when he felt Grant remove the hand from his back, instead tucking a lock of hair behind Ezra's ear as he leaned closer to kiss his cheek, eliciting another sound of annoyance.

"There's no way it's been ten minutes."

"You're right, it's been fifteen. We have to get up."

Ezra sighed and looked up at Grant with bleary eyes for a moment before he pressed a soft kiss to his lips and removed himself from his boyfriend so he could sit up and stretch. He tugged his sweater off and slipped his arms into the sleeves of his uniform shirt before he picked up his phone off the nightstand to check his email.

"Kayden still hasn't sent an article in for this week," He murmured, running his fingers through his hair.

"It's only Tuesday, and he might've sent it directly to Elias."

"Elias would've sent it to me. And he had all weekend to do it, he knows we're putting out a paper early this week."

"Love, chill out. He doesn't need it in until tomorrow night, and you know how he is, he always meets the due date," Grant said, wrapping his arms around Ezra's shoulders before he began buttoning up his shirt for him as the brunet continued to read through his unopened emails.

"He didn't the week before the trip."

"Everyone was swamped before the trip."

"Yeah? And what happens when we're midway through May and he stops sending articles in? What, is everyone else supposed to just pick up his slack? Are we supposed to cut him out of the committee weeks away from the end of the year?"

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