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AN: Hi! So after watching the new winx series on netflix I got a little obsessed with it and had this idea in my head that I just had to write. I can't promise I will update super regularly as I tend to write pretty long chapters and a, currently in the middle of finals for college and using this story as a way to procrastinate studying. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!

It was dark, very dark, wherever she was no light was coming in from outside, which made her assume she was either in a basement or someone had purposefully darkened the room so she lost all perception of time. Whichever it was it was working, Alessia had no idea where she was or how long she had been there. All she could remember was being at home with her parents when suddenly something hit their house and caused it to catch fire. She had been in her room and had tried to make her way downstairs and look for her parents to hopefully escape and find a place to call her uncle when a figure had appeared in front of her, they hit her on the head and carried her half conscious body out of the house. 

On her way out she saw the two mangled and dead bodies of her parents, a sight she wished she never had to see and would never unsee. Whoever it was that was carrying her was strong as they seemed to have no problem controlling her trashing body as she screamed to be let go and cried out for her parents hoping she was wrong and they weren't dead. Finally her captors had enough and hit her on the head again, this time hard enough to knock her out. When she woke up hours later she was tied to a bed in a very dark room, unless someone came in and she saw some light from outside the door she had no idea what time it was or how many days had passed since her parents had been killed and she had been taken. 

The hours of her captivity soon turned into days which then turned into months but Alessia had lost all concept of time after the first week or so. She had quickly figured out that the people who had taken her were fairies, or at least some of them were as one kept her subdued with their powers. She was too confused and dazed to really see if they were male or female and what they looked like but she already knew she hated them and she wanted them all dead for what they had done to her parents and were doing to her. While she laid in the dark room she thought about her uncle and how he was now all alone, no more brother or niece to hang out with and care for, only Sky his best friend's son who he was basically raising after his friend had died. 

Her anger and determination of seeing her uncle again is probably what saved Alessia Silva's life and kept her sane enough until the day came that one of the people that captured her was careless enough to let his guard down and she was able to escape. As she ran out of the warehouse they were keeping her in she was hit by a bolt of magic, she had no idea what it had done but she didn't stop to find out, too preoccupied by her escape to realise that all and any memory she had of her captors and her time in captivity was slowly disappearing out of her mind as if it was a melody or a smell that was slowly being pushed to the back of her mind never to resurface again.

AN: the prologue is very short but the chapters will be longer! Please vote and comment to let me know what you think and if you prefer longer chapters with a less regular update or shorter chapters :)  

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