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For the first month or so after her uncle's arrest, Alessia truly believed everything would be okay. While she wasn't allowed to talk to him, Queen Luna had told her he was in a Solarian prison and okay all things considered. Riven snuck away as often as he could to see her and nobody was any wiser, or so they thought. It took close to 2 months for Andreas and Rosalind to corner her and inform her that if she continued to meet up with Riven in secret, things wouldn't end well for him. 

From Sky, she heard that they had made the same threat to him. They tried to ignore it but shortly after her 18th birthday it became too much for her, while he told her it meant nothing, he was constantly flirting with Beatrix or Dane. It just became too much for her so a week after her birthday, which they celebrated in private, she broke up with him.

It hurt like hell to say those words and they both knew it wasn't for a lack of love but it was just too difficult and too painful to keep on pretending. Riven had tried to get her to listen and fall in line, even if just a little bit, for ages and after yet another fight and more shouting about Beatrix and Dane and if he was really just pretending she had broken up with him.

Sky tried to mediate and pass messages between his two friends but even he was struggling with it. During the months of Silva's captivity, Sky had grown angry at him and now he refused to talk about the man with Alessia. He had been really nice on her birthday, he smuggled some cake into her room and, held her while she cried but he refused to talk about the man or acknowledge that he missed him.

Andreas had gotten to Sky and while they were not even close to being father and son again, Sky did what Andreas said and seemed to have accepted his fate. Alessia was not even close to listening to any of the governing bodies of the school, she spent most of her free time with the girls in the Winx suite figuring out where Dowling could have gone and how they could free Silva. 

She was beyond happy that Bloom had accepted her errors and was the biggest advocate for freeing her uncle even if deep down she knew it was mainly because she wanted the old teachers back. Still, she appreciated it, Bloom was convinced Farah was hiding out somewhere but Alessia was more and more convinced that the older woman had died, or otherwise been imprisoned by Rosalind. It just didn't track for her to be gone and ignore everything going on. She knew how the woman felt about her uncle, even if they didn't want to admit it just yet.

The only thing that had gotten clearer over the months since her uncle's arrest was what had happened to her and her parents all those months ago. They were reaching the 2-year mark and while she still didn't know everything she knew enough to slowly start properly grieving her parents. 

While Rosalind had been behind coming up with the plan to kill her parents and kidnap her, it had been Andreas and a few of their followers who had set fire to her house and taken her. She had always thought that her escape was accidental but as the months went on she discovered that it had been on purpose. She had been an unknowing and unwilling pawn in their game, distracting her uncle enough to slowly take over Alfea and build a case against him.

After Rosalind returned her memories the block that had been placed on her magic had also been removed meaning she was now back to full powers. Despite this she wasn't allowed to attend fairy classes in the slightest, instead, she was stuck being taught by Andreas and forced to attend private magic classes with Rosalind. 

Any magic outside of these classes would lead to an immediate block of her magic and confinement to her room for at least a week. She was speaking from experience and after being imprisoned in her room twice had decided that perhaps it was best to listen to Rosalind. She hated having to listen to the woman but she hated the lost feeling she got without her magic even more.

It was safe to say that Alessia's life sucked and despite nothing being worse than waking up at Alfea and realising her parents were really dead, it was getting pretty damn close. Andreas was a tough teacher and he didn't fight fair, he had put Alessia and Sky up against each other so many times it was insane. 

Every time they had to fight until either of them drew blood and if they refused or took too long he would jump in there and fight them both. On most occasions, if not all, he won and would draw blood from both of them before sending them on the longest runs they had ever done. He wouldn't allow them to get treated until they got back and so they were often found in the greenhouse together or washing the blood out of their clothes late at night.

Despite how Sky was feeling about Silva, he agreed that Andreas and Rosalind were a problem and that something had to be done, he just didn't think that breaking Silva out of prison was the start they needed. Alessia was tired of fighting with him so she didn't say anything about him when it came to her uncle but Bloom wasn't so silent, she just kept insisting they needed him. 

It was difficult for Sky to listen to the girl he loved without getting angry but he did it, it was easier to get mad at Alessia anyway. He had known her his entire life and knew that she could never stay mad at him just like he couldn't stay mad at her, nor could Silva.

Things had been weird at Alfea all year, they had had a very short summer before Rosalind had called all students back, stating that due to the shortened academic year, this one would start sooner and last longer. They had to see it as a way to catch up to what they had missed in the months after the burned ones' attack on the school. 

It made no difference to Alessia who hadn't been allowed or able to leave the school anyway, not since her uncle's arrest. Considering her parents were dead and her uncle was in prison, Andreas was now her legal guardian, much to her annoyance. He seemed to enjoy it, trying to get her to snap at him about her uncle every chance he got. He took every opportunity he could to get her alone and make sure she knew that she was at his mercy and that if she didn't do what they wanted that her uncle would be the first one to suffer.

Everybody was on edge, Rosalind had increased protection and detention was no longer an expected or given punishment. No, instead people who disobeyed would be put to work if they were lucky. Others were expelled or simply disappeared, rumours and gossip was ever present at Alfea though people had to be careful not to get caught gossiping by Rosalind as that was also no longer an accepted activity for a teenager to partake in. 

She was preparing for a war, a war that they had no idea about. Everyone at Alfea just accepted that she was their new headmistress and that things were just a lot more strict, nobody was fighting back or plotting against her, no one except Alessia and the girls from the Winx suite. 

AN: Here's the prologue for season 2, it's quite short I know but I promise I will upload the first chapter within the next few days as I have almost finished it. I hope you enjoy and please continue to vote and comment to let me know as I really appreciate it:)

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