Chapter 19:

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AN: Hi all! Sorry for the slightly longer wait between chapters but finals caught up to me and I'm currently very busy. If I'm honest I wrote this chapter as a way to procrastinate writing an essay but I'm pretty happy with it. This is the last chapter of this story until season 2 comes out but I may do some short one shots of Sky and Alessia when they were younger and some Riven and Alessia relationship things if you guys are interested! I'm not super happy with the ending of this chapter so I may edit it later on but for now I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for voting, commenting and reading this story I really appreciate it! Let me know if you guys would want short one shots while we wait for season 2 or not! 

Riven was hiding in a corner close to Alessia's room, all he wanted to do was knock on her door and explain everything that had happened in the past week and why it looked like he had betrayed her, which in a way he had done. He had been waiting for about half an hour and knew he didn't have much longer to tell her the truth before he had to go back to do whatever they wanted him to do. 

He kept having flashbacks to that fateful night, there being many things he hated about the decisions he had made that night. Not only had he chosen to betray his best friend and girlfriend but Alessia had gotten hurt because he had not followed her immediately. He should have just ran after her straight away instead of helping Dane revive Beatrix but deep down he felt guilty for what had happened to the two, especially Dane. He had taken the boy under his wing and felt like it was his fault for corrupting him, and in a way it was. While he was not responsible for Beatrix and whatever she had done he still felt guilty and felt like he needed to help.

Now he hated himself for having done everything he did, he felt that if he would have just left the burned one never would have attacked Alessia and he never would have been put in the situation where he had to choose between what he wanted and what he needed to do to protect the people he loved. Seeing Alessia falling to the floor as her uncle got arrested and her red puffy eyes the days after, a clear sign she had been crying, broke his heart. What hurt the most though was that he couldn't be there for her to make her feel better, he had only made things worse and one of the reasons she was crying was him and his betrayal.

After five more minutes he finally got the courage to walk to her door and knock softly, hoping she would open the door while also wishing she wouldn't. He was a coward and facing her was the most difficult thing he had done in a long time but he knew it had to be done. The door opened after a very long minute and he came face to face with Alessia. Her eyes were red and sad but they hardened into a glare when she saw him "what do you want? Come to convince me to join your side?" She spat and if looks could kill he would have been dead. "I..." Riven was lost for words for a second as he looked around to make sure no one was there, if anyone found them he would be in a lot of trouble.

He took Alessia's hand and pulled her inside while closing the door ignoring her protests and shouts. "I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you but you must understand I had no choice, th...they threatened to kill you if I didn't help them Al. I couldn't... I couldn't let you get hurt..." he trailed of, trying to stop himself from crying in front of her. Alessia stared at him for a what felt like an eternity before she sighed and moved further into the room to sit on her bed. "When did they do this?" She eventually asked looking up at her boyfriend, still angry but a little less than before. "The night the burned ones attacked." He finally admitted, knowing she would be angry at not telling him sooner. 

Alessia's mouth opened in shock and she took a few seconds to gather her thoughts before speaking again "And why didn't you tell me then? We could have done something, I could have helped you, I could have saved my uncle he wouldn't be in-prisoned or maybe dead now." Her voice got louder as she went on not understanding why he hadn't said anything before, he had like a week before they took over that he could have told her or Sky or hell even her uncle. "I refused at first and thought that was it when they didn't take over the school straight away but then they came back and I was too scared to hurt you and they wouldn't leave me alone." He explained, or tried to. Alessia huffed "you still could have told me or Silva, we would have helped you you know? Even though my uncle doesn't really like you he wouldn't want you to get hurt or involved in all this." 

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