Chapter 12:

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Alessia was in a dark room, she was tied to a bed and water was annoyingly dripping in her face, it was too dark to see anything clearly but she could see that someone was leaning over her. She could not see who it was, their face obscured by a hood and the darkness of the room she was in, she could see however that they were smiling and saying something to her but for some reason her mind was not processing the sound leaving the person's lip. 

Deep down Alessia was aware she was dreaming but none of that was properly registering in her brain, too consumed by fear and the memories that were slowly surfacing as this was of course a memory of her captivity. She tried to move away from whoever was leaning over her but as she was tied down it was impossible and all she could do was hope she would wake up before her memories got too bad, one of the best things about her amnesia was not having to remember what exactly had happened to her when she was imprisoned. Just as her attacker was getting closer, raising a knife above their head probably to stab her or hurt her in another way she woke up with a gasp and a short scream.

 Riven woke up as soon as he heard the scream and felt the girl move, startled by the noise and her sudden movement. Alessia was sat up in bed staring at the wall in front of her as she tried to control her breathing, something she seemed to be doing a lot at night, she flinched and tried to push Riven away from her when he tried to help, repeating the word no over and over again as if she was still in her dream. "hey Al its okay, you're okay its me it's Riven." He said as he took her face into his hands, hoping it would calm her down enough to notice she was safe. 

She calmed down eventually as her eyes cleared up and she could see that Riven was indeed the person next to her and not the stranger from her dream. Her eyes filled with tears and she collapsed into his arms, terrified by what she had remembered, though it wasn't much it was the most she knew about the entire last years of her life. "I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to push you away, I was just so scared and oh god I'm so sorry." she cried afraid he would hate her, being woken up by a screaming girl and then almost being attacked by her probably wasn't the best way to spend their first night as an almost couple.

 Riven smiled at the girl, though his smile was a sad one, he hated seeing her so scared and upset, "It's okay Al, you can't help it. Do you want to talk about it or just try and go back to sleep?" He said Alessia considered it for a minute before shaking her head and giving him a small smile "I just want to go back to sleep if you don't mind." She said snuggling back into his chest as they laid back down again and Riven turned of the light he had turned on when they woke up "of course, you can tell me tomorrow or whenever you are ready." He said kissing her forehead and putting his arms a little tighter around her but not enough for her to feel trapped or scared. Alessia smiled again and sighed thankful Riven wasn't judging her for her nightmares "thank you Riv." She whispered hoping he could hear her. He did and he said a silent answer before telling her goodnight and closing his eyes listening to the sound of her heart beat slowly steadying signifying she had fallen back asleep.

When they woke up the next morning they could both feel they had had a bad night, Alessia was sore and Riven could feel how tight his neck was when he moved it from side to side. They both groaned and then laughed at the others reaction and struggling to wake up, "good morning" Alessia croaked out voice still soft from sleep. "Morning" Riven returned sounding a lot huskier than he would have liked but Alessia found it very sexy, not that she would ever admit it to him or anyone. "Are you feeling a bit better than last night?" Riven asked and Alessia nodded, just about to respond more in debt when a knock sounded at her door and the door opened revealing Sky. 

The blond boy's eyes widened as he saw his best friend and his roommate in bed together and he quickly closed the door behind him averting his eyes in case they weren't wearing clothes, something they obviously were. "What are you doing here Sky? And why did you bother knocking if you were just going to barge in anyway?" Alessia asked sitting up in bed to show the boy she was in fact wearing clothes "sorry I wanted to know how you were doing and seeing if you had seen Riven as he never came back last night but I guess my question is answered." Sky explained looking at his roommate with a slight glare "so care to tell me how long this has been going on?"

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