Chapter 3:

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AN: Hi guys! first of thank you for the reads on this story! I will try and continue uploading a lot but it might take a hold for a while as I'm about to start exams and am also busy with training for a field hockey tournament so no promises! Enjoy the next chapter and please continue voting and commenting to let me know what you think. :)

After a very boring morning only watching Sky and the other specialists train and listening to her uncle's teaching it was finally time for lunch. Saul had wanted Alessia to have lunch with him but after he saw her talking to Sky and almost begging him with her eyes to let her go with him he had relented. He did make her promise to have dinner with him as he wanted to properly talk to her and also had to show her her new room. She waved goodbye to him and quickly followed Sky back into the main building of the college and towards the canteen. 

They met up with Stella on the way there, the blonde looked at the brunette girl but didn't initiate a conversation so Alessia shrugged and continued talking about fighting techniques with Sky until they reached the table they had ben sat at that morning. Vaguely Alessia caught something about Bloom having trouble controlling her magic and she sent the girl a reassuring smile vowing to talk to her later.

 Stella launched straight into the way they were going to recover her lost ring, apparently assuming that everybody was going to help her. While Terra was talking about some ladybird that had landed on her face when she was young, Sky crouched down next to Bloom to ask her how she was doing, which was a stupid question in Alessia's humble opinion. The girl had been attacked by a burned one on the first day in a new world so for her to be freaking out was probably an understatement. 

Stella looked at the interaction , an obvious look of jealousy on her face "Sky? Where do you think they're keeping it again?" She asked trying to get his attention back on her, which worked. "well there's only so many buildings outside the barrier that can secure a creature like that" he explained pointing to the different buildings, Terra intervened saying it was probably in some barn. Alessia rolled her eyes at the obvious jealousy of Stella and her rudeness but didn't say anything not interested in starting a fight for once.

If she was honest Alessia wasn't really listening to the whole conversation, she wasn't really friends with any of the girls and also had had no part in losing the ring so in her opinion didn't need to help recover it either. She sat down next to Bloom and poked at the salad she had picked up, lost in her own thoughts until Bloom got up and practically ran out of the canteen. Alessia was about to ask Sky what he was doing after lunch as she had no clue where to go when he ran after the red head leaving an angry Stella behind. 

The blonde huffed turned to the people at the table, spared Alessia an extra long glance and then also walked away her blonde locks swishing behind her. Alessia looked at the only two remaining people at the table and coughed awkwardly, directing a smile to the girl opposite she had not met yet. "I'm Alessia Silva, nice to meet you." She introduced herself, holding out her hand for the girl to shake. The dark-skinned girl smiled and grabbed the girls hand "Aisha. Wait did you just say Silva? As in headmaster Silva?" The girl questioned her a confused look on her face. Alessia nodded "yeah he's my uncle. You've probably heard all the rumours about me so any questions go ahead and ask." She said turning to smile at Terra who looked a little left out "Hi Terr, how's your first day going?" The earth fairy smiled and launched into a story about their first magic class at the stone circle, Alessia listened attentively trying to pick up on anything that may help her recover her powers though she didn't think she'd have any luck anytime soon.

Once lunch was over she followed Aisha and Terra to their classes, she had no idea where Sky or her uncle were and knew she also had to follow the more theoretical classes Alfea had to offer so she decided that starting with the first year classes probably was the best idea. She had a meeting with Miss Dowling after classes were over to try and recover her dormant or rather absent magic. 

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