Chapter 1:

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AN: Heey all! Thank you for the reads and votes so far for my season 2 work. Here is the next update, I'm updating 2 chapters today as I don't know how much time I will get to update in the next week or so as I'm getting surgery tomorrow and have no idea how I will feel afterward. I may feel okay and be able to write a lot while I recover but I could also feel really shitty and unable to write for a while. I hope you enjoy these next two chapters and I will update you as soon as I can! 

Alessia sighed as she sat towards the back of the class of fairies gathered at the stone circle. While she wasn't allowed to do any magic outside of her lessons with Rosalind, she had been forced to attend more and more classes. She hated it as all she was allowed to do was sit there and watch, most of the fairies had caught on to her still not being allowed to do magic and now the rumours about her inability to perform magic were circling again. She had wanted to tell someone, anyone, that this wasn't true but she knew that Rosalind wanted everybody to keep believing she still hadn't regained her magic abilities and that she was helping her recover. It made Rosalind look less evil and much more like the caring headmistress that had been there before her.

It wasn't easy to watch her friends and the rest of the fairies at the school be taught by Rosalind even if she was a brutal teacher most times, and tried to get a rise out of them all. She winced when she saw Bloom get hit by another spark of electricity sighing when the girl finally lost control of her emotions and surged forward in anger, eyes blazing and fire rising in her hands. Bloom was soon told to sit down and Alessia had to watch how most of her friends went through the same process, being blasted with electricity until they produced magic powerful enough for Rosalind. Alessia sat back after most of her friends had shown their magic, she was worried about them but wouldn't give Rosalind the satisfaction of looking scared so she settled for bored and indifferent instead. She knew Rosalind would hate her attitude but there wasn't much she could do about it at that moment, except scowl and be annoyed. Looking upset wasn't a good enough reason to punish her and they both knew it.

When class ended Alessia walked away from the stone circle as fast as she could to get to the training grounds. Andreas wouldn't accept her being late even if he knew she had been in class with Rosalind, she was still expected to arrive on time and ready for training. She was lucky today and made it just in time, not that she thought Andreas would notice, not today at least but she could never be sure with him. He was preoccupied with something, as was Rosalind but Alessia wouldn't know what it was until later that day when she had already been beaten in many fights, too many. After fighting with Riven, someone who she seemed to be fighting a lot, she was forced to watch Sky and Dane fight until they drew first blood. She had been lucky that day that Andreas hadn't expected her or Riven to cut the other though she knew it wouldn't be long until they would have to.

Andreas and Riven were talking excitedly about the fight going on on the stage, smiles on their faces as if they weren't fighting with real swords. Riven said Dane would win because Sky wouldn't draw first blood and he had been right, just as it looked like Sky would win or simply refuse to cut Dane, Dane managed to get his sword on Sky, cutting him on his waist. Sky groaned and jumped down from the platform where Riven greeted him smiling and clapping his back trying to ignore Dane who was boasting more than ever.

They thought this was it and Andreas would move on but before Alessia and Riven could take Sky to the greenhouse he called them back to him. "After this pathetic show of strength let's see if you two can do it better, Alessia, Riven get up there, the same rules apply. First blood wins." Sky tried to protest and protect his friends but one look from Alessia shut him up. She wasn't happy about having to fight her ex, again, and potentially hurting him but it was inevitable, she only hoped they would give Andreas a good fight and he would leave them alone for the time being.

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