Chapter 6:

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AN: Hi! Sorry for the slightly longer wait but a I mentioned before I was busy studying I also had a Hockey tournament yesterday so I wasn't home or near a laptop to upload anything. Anyways enjoy this pretty long chapter :)

As the days since her uncle's attack turned into a week and the burned one was was still not killed, Alessia's worry increased. Together with her worry her attention span also decreased, making it harder than ever for her to focus on her training and classes. The only thing that had somewhat improved was her magic, she was now able to hover a book for a few seconds and able to close things, such as doors, with her hands. Dowling had been very impressed with the girls improvement but also noticed she was distracted so she told the girl they would resume their classes after her uncle had been healed, still convinced they would find and kill the burned one in time. 

Alessia hated to be a pessimist but the longer it didn't happen and the more she saw her uncle deteriorate the more she started to doubt the soldiers abilities to track and kill the monster. Silva was putting on a strong front mostly for his niece's sake but everyone could see he was getting worse as the days dragged on. Alessia's eye was healing nicely but it was an annoying reminder of her failure to focus properly on her trainings. Riven had been a great friend and the two had spend most nights together, mostly just to sleep needing the other's presence for comfort but they also sometimes talked until it was almost time to get up again or they fell asleep. 

Professor Harvey, Miss Dowling and most people at the college kept reassuring the girl her uncle would be fine but she didn't believe them, the only people who didn't lie were Sky and Riven, sure they tried to comfort her but at least they didn't pretend everything was magically going to be okay. Sky was equally worried about his father figure of course so at least they weren't alone in their struggles, he had also been doing pretty bad in training allowing Riven to beat both his friends in most fights and exercises. 

The same was happening right now, Sky and Riven were on the platform fighting with some blunt wooden swords as Alessia watched trying to catch her breath from her two fights, one in which she actually managed to beat Sky, when she saw her uncle walk towards them, leaning heavily on a stick to steady himself. He shouted some commands, voice more dull than normally, as he made his way up the steps slowly "Sky watch your footwork" he said watching the two boys fight, Sky was struggling noticeably and Riven was not giving him any advantages. He pushed Riven back for a minute but was quickly floored when he swept the blonde's legs from under him. "Nicely done Riven, Nicely done." Silva said giving his niece a pained smile before continuing to walk around the training grounds, his eyes were much darker than normal and he was pale, too pale for Alessia's liking.

Sky grunted and got up with Riven's help asking the boy if their headmaster looked worse to him "what Riven gets a complement and all of the sudden Silva's got brain damage?" He joked looking at the other two occupants of the platform, they both knew he was only joking and equally worried just trying not to show it. "Its been a week since he got infected by the burned one, I don't know maybe I'm just overreacting." Sky continued looking at the brunette girl who was standing next to him and equally worried. " I also think he's getting worse but you know he will never admit it to anyone." She said as they left the platform and walked into the shade. 

Alessia groaned internally when she saw Stella was sat on the bench they were walking towards, she didn't hate Stella but the girl also hadn't been the nicest to her in the last week, she thought they were friends of a sort but apparently not. "What do you think Stell?" Sky asked as soon as they reached her, she looked up from her phone and looked confused "about what?" She asked "silva, how does he look?" Sky responded sitting down next to her, Stella looked at the mentioned man for a second before answering "fine" she said looking back at her phone. Alessia scoffed rolling her eyes and looking at her uncle once more, she didn't expect Riven to speak up and voice both their annoyance at the blonde princess "Dr Stella coming through with a zero-effort diagnosis." Alessia laughed and gave Riven an appreciative smile while sitting on the ground next to the bench the other three were sitting on. 

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