Chapter 1:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fate: the winx saga nor any of its characters or plot. I only own my own character and any and all changes I make to the plot. 

Alessia continued running until she reached a forest and finally allowed herself to slow down, she had been to afraid that whoever had captured her was still behind her. Once she was safely inside the confines of the thick forest she slowed down until she was walking, or more precisely limping, and took the time to look around to try and figure out where she was. The forest was strangely familiar but she didn't know what it reminded her of. She knew she had to continue walking to try and find some place to ask for help or find shelter, her feet where killing her and her body was begging her to stop but she knew that she wouldn't get back up once she laid down.

 Slowly the forest was starting to look a little more familiar until she realised she was approaching the woods that surrounded Alfea college and she sighed in relief, she hoped her uncle was still there and knew that she would finally be safe again once she reached the barrier and the safety of the school for fairies and specialists. She was an air fairy or had been before she was captured, now every-time she tried to do anything magical her powers would sputter before disappearing. She assumed it had something to do with whatever her captors had done to her and she could only hope it was not permanent. 

She was so lost in her thoughts and trying to not pass out from exhaustion she missed the protruding root on the ground, her foot got stuck and before she knew it she was falling to the floor her knee twisting in a sickening way. She screamed out in pain but pushed of from the floor and continued limping anyway, she had to continue and find her uncle. She could see a clearing and a building far away slowly getting closer and she knew she was close. On her way to the barrier she tripped again and this time she stayed on the floor for a minute wondering what she had fallen over and why her trousers were getting wet, when she looked down she saw the mangled body of a man and screamed out in terror. 

She crawled away from the body and slowly tried to get up again, exhaustion and pain were slowly taking over her body and she was half unconscious by the time she made it close enough to the barrier to see people standing around. Closest to the barrier were two boys and in her state she though she recognised one of them but she couldn't really see properly with her blurry vision and the tears that were streaming down her face. 

Alessia pushed her body through the barrier, which took most of the energy she still had out of her and she was sure she was going to fall on the floor again but one of the boys she had seen before caught her just as she stumbled between them, she tried to look at his eyes or his face to find anything to ground her and keep her conscious but all she could see was his brown hair and vague worried face before she finally succumbed to the darkness that had been calling out to her.

Riven always knew that crazy things happened at Alfea but he had not expected a girl of around his age to stumble out of the woods and literally fall into his arms on the first day of training. He had been on his way into the woods to smoke some weed when she had stumbled out and collapsed into his arms, she looked at him for a second before her eyes rolled back and her head lulled against him. He cursed before turning around and shouting for Sky to help him, it wasn't that he wouldn't be able to carry the girl, as she was pretty skinny and looked like she hadn't eaten properly in days but he needed someone to confirm he wasn't losing it and the girl was actually there. 

Sky could obviously see the girl as well as he sprinted over as soon as he saw his friend and the girl in his arms. What Riven did not expect was for his closest friend to stumble back in shock, a look of recognition crossing his face "Alessia" he whispered before turning back around and calling for Silva. "Sky, what's going on, who's this girl and how do you know her?" Riven asked while he followed Sky towards their teacher who was quickly approaching them "I'll explain everything later Riv, she's Silva's niece and we all thought she was dead for the past year." Sky explained quietly.  Silva's face went from annoyed to confused to downright terrified "What, where..." he stammered looking at Riven who still had the girl in his hands "I was walking towards the woods when she crossed the barrier and collapsed into my arms, she didn't say anything but I think I heard her scream before. I heard screaming and was on my way to see what it was when she appeared." He explained as best as he could, hiding the fact he was initially going into the woods to smoke. 

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