Chapter 15:

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AN: Hey! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in ages but I started a new job which took a lot of energy as I am working 5 to 6 days a week for a minimum of like 9 hours so writing was not very high on my priority list. Apart from that, my laptop broke so I was unable to write at all for a few weeks until I bought a new one. but I have finally managed to finish a chapter I am semi-happy about so here it is! I have a slightly lighter schedule for the following weeks so hopefully a new chapter will be uploaded soon. enjoy and please comment and vote to let me know :)  

 Alessia sighed as she walked back into her room looking at Riven and reluctantly waking him up, her uncle had told her to get ready and get Riven and Sky ready and then meet him at the barrier. He wanted to go after the burned ones and try to kill them before they could reach the school and injure or kill even more people. She grabbed her things while she softly shook Riven so he would wake up, he groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around to see what was happening. 

"Hey Riv, gear up we need to meet Silva at the barriers. If you see Sky in your room tell him as well please, I'll be there in a minute." She said as she pulled her green specialist top over her head, her hair had already been tied up in a high ponytail and she was looking for her boots as she grabbed some knifes to take with her. Riven nodded, giving her a quick kiss before he jogged to his own room frowning when he saw Sky sitting on his bed rubbing his eyes. "well you look like absolute shit." He told the blond as he got his gear ready "I feel like it so you must be right." Sky said as he looked up at his roommate "wait, what are you doing?" He asked "Silva needs us at the barrier, Al said something about burned ones and specialists dying." Riven explained just as Alessia opened the door not bothering to knock. 

"Terra the super spy got Dane to talk, Bloom was trying to free Beatrix with some magic device. But that's besides the point we need to go and meet my uncle at the barrier before he kills us for being late." She said, giving Sky a small smile to see how he was doing, the boy just nodded and got ready. Alessia sat down on Riven's bed and waited for the two boys to get ready, she hadn't told them that she was pretty sure Bloom would be able to convince Terra to let Beatrix out as they did not need this kind of information right now. They were preparing for the battle of their lives and any distraction would be a problem, especially for Sky who was still recovering from being drugged.

They ran through the forest to meet the rest at the barrier, they were late and Alessia was dreading her uncle's reaction. He glanced at them angrily when they arrived and gave them a short "you're late" but before they could respond a growl resounded through the forest and they all looked up, startled by how close the creature, or creatures were. A voice sounded from behind them and they all looked up in slight shock when they saw it was Aisha who had joined them. Silva looked at her with a glare telling her to get back to the school and that it was no time for extra credit. 

Aisha rolled her eyes and went on to explain what Bloom was planning to do, together with Terra and some of the other fairies. Alessia sighed looking at Sky to try and decipher his reaction, she knew he felt something for the redheaded fairy but she was unsure where he stood, especially after she had drugged him and left him behind. Dowling sighed and left for the school closely followed by Professor Harvey and Aisha while Silva stayed behind giving his niece a short look to make sure she was okay. She gave him a nod and moved closer to him, subconsciously needing his protection. 

Riven and Sky also moved closer to the girl while they stared out into the forest, prepared for the incomming burned ones they could hear running around. Alessia wanted nothing more than to be safe inside the school but she knew it was their mission as specialists to protect the rest of the school. Her uncle hadn't wanted her to come at first as she was technically a fairy and he obviously didn't want her to get hurt but she managed to convince him to let her join them, as she had been practicing as a specialist for much longer than she had been training to be a fairy. 

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