Chapter 7:

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She had expected her uncle to be in his room or with his friends but she couldn't find him anywhere, eventually it was Dowling who told her where he was and by the look on her face she knew that something was wrong. She quickly walked outside to see her uncle sat on the platform, Sky next to him who had apparently also just arrived. "It wasn't the right one was it?" She asked as soon as she reached the two males, Sky looked at the girl tears in his eyes as well as hers. Silva shook his head looking down at his feet too afraid to look the two teens in their eyes "clearly there's more than one out there." He said shakily. "So the battalion will keep looking, we..." Sky started to speak as he sat next to the man, "it's too late Sky, its over." Silva said. 

Alessia shook her head as tears ran down her face, not willing to accept that her uncle was really dying, "you told us to wait." She whispered looking at her uncle slowly, anger and grief coursing through her veins at the same time Sky got up "you always told me my father died fighting and now you're just going to lie here and take it? No fuck that." He said before walking away, Silva tried to call out to him but Sky just repeated his last words as he stalked away. Alessia sighed and pulled her uncle into a hug "i'm going to follow him before he does something very stupid." She said giving her uncle one more sad look before turning around and running after the blond. 

It physically pained her to turn away from her uncle, especially as she heard him call out her name as she went but she also didn't want to give up on him, and neither did Sky. Once she reached the boy she stopped him pulling him into a hug and whispering in his ear "lets do this, you and me." Sky looked at her and smiled, they both knew what they needed to do so when they separated they quickly ran to their dorms and changed into their armour before running back outside.

Alessia had no idea where they were going but figured that the stone circle was a good start, she still didn't have enough control over her magic to use it but her fighting skills were getting better, realistically she knew they didn't stand a chance of fighting the burned one if they even found it but she had to try. Sky was silent, a determined look on his face as he quickly walked towards the stone circle, they had expected everyone to still be at the party and were very surprised to see Bloom leaning against the pillar that held the vessel. 

"Bloom?" Sky asked as they approached her, the girl looked up with tears in her eyes "what are you doing out here?" He continued as he approached her, Alessia held back not wanting to scare the girl or intrude in their moment, it was clear to her that the other two teens liked each other. Bloom walked away at first  but then turned around to look at the two specialists "I'm a changeling Sky, thats my tricky family story I don't know who the hell they are." She explained "so I'm out here like a crazy person cause I'm apparently willing to do anything for the possibility of an answer." She continued. Alessia stepped forward "I don't know how you expect to find answers here but I get it Bloom, if you ever want to talk or need help with anything you can come to me, your secret is safe with us." She said trying to give the girl a reassuring smile, the redhead nodded before looking at the boy again, she did a double take when she saw they were both dressed for battle.

 "why are you wearing armour?" She asked, a confused look on her face "Silva is dying, they didn't kill the right burned one and I, we can't sit around while its still out there." Sky explained "so you plan on killing it by yourself?" The fire fairy asked "Yeah well you're not the only crazy person. He's my uncle, the only family I have left and I'm not about to sit around and wait for him to die when I can be doing something useful like kill the monster that attacked him." Alessia explained getting tired of the conversation, they had no time to lose yet they were standing around talking like nothing. 

Suddenly Bloom looked away, as if she was listening to something "I think I can feel the burned one, Sky, Less I think its in the forest." She said "we have to tell Dowling, we c..." she tried to say but Sky was no longer listening already running of to find the monster. Alessia cursed telling Bloom to text her friends before she ran after the blond and into the forest. She had no idea if Bloom had heard her or if she would follow them but she was too focused on keeping up with Sky, once she caught up with him she pulled him back forcing him to stop and look at her "we need some sort of a plan Sky, otherwise we will be the next victims of the burned one and all this will have been for nothing." She shouted trying to make her voice heard over the sound of the waterfall rumbling behind her, Sky nodded sighing and turning around startled when they heard twigs snapping behind them but they relaxed when they saw it was only Bloom. 

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