Chapter 18:

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AN: Hey all! Sorry for the long time in between updates, life got in the way and I had an awful lot to do. I kind of lost inspiration to write this story even though I have a lot of ideas still I just didn't know how to write them down properly. I'm still not a hundred percent happy with this chapter but I like it enough to upload it. I will probably upload about one or two more chapters to end this season. But I wanted to know if people would be interested in me uploading one shots of these characters, such as flashbacks and things that weren't in this story while we wait for season 2 to come out. Let me know what you think! Also thank you for all of the votes, reads and comments I really appreciate it. :)

Alessia hoped everything had been a dream when she woke up the next morning but as soon as she got up and looked at Sky's tear stained face she knew it was very much real. She sighed as she tried to breath slowly and stop the tears that were once again welling up in her eyes. Sky groaned as he slowly started to wake up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around for her.

 Alessia gave him a sad smile as she sat down next to him "how are you doing? Stupid question I know but still." She asked, looking at her best friend carefully. Sky shrugged as he looked at his hands to afraid to show Alessia his real emotions "I don't know, all this time I thought he was dead only to find out he's not? And this whole thing with Silva I... I just don't know what to think you know? I mean was Silva right and did my dad really not care about killing all those people? And do I give my dad a chance or not, and who even is this Rosalind women. I just have so many questions." He said finally looking up. Alessia nodded "I know, honestly I don't trust your dad, I mean he lied about his existence for 16 years, I'm sorry, truly but I don't trust your dad at all and I especially don't trust Rosalind whoever she is. Now do you know where Riven may be? I haven't seen him in like two days and I'm starting to worry." Sky shook his head, equally surprised about the absence of his friend, it was very unlike Riven to just disappear for such a long time, at least since he had started dating Alessia it was.

They sat in silence for a little while longer until they both gathered enough courage to get up and get ready to face their problems. The canteen was eerily quiet when they arrived, most of the students that had still been at the school had left the night before and the few who hadn't left  had chosen to hide in their rooms or elsewhere. Alessia sighed as she looked at the pictures that had replaced the ones previously there, her uncle's face no longer graced the halls of Alfea, together with Dowling, who had also disappeared and there was no sign left of her. Professor Harvey was still at Alfea but Alessia knew he wouldn't do anything as they were probably threatening his children's safety. Alessia looked around to see if she could find Bloom or Terra before she remembered that they had left the otherworld to go and visit Bloom's parents.

Nobody bothered them while they ate in silence and they hoped it would stay like that for at least the morning but of course as soon as they walked outside to go and train they were intercepted by Andreas. He smiled, mostly at his son, but frowned when he saw the glare Alessia was directing at him. "Alessia do you have a problem?" He asked trying to give her a smile "yes, a few really. Let's see maybe the fact you hid you were alive for 16 years, or that you killed all those people in Aster Dell or oh I don't know maybe the fact you had my uncle arrested for no god damn reason." She said, getting angrier at the second. Andreas scoffed "oh how naive you are, your uncle tried to kill me, he deserves to be punished." He said crossing his arms over his chest trying for intimidation. "Yeah right, you were asking for it. You and I both know my uncle isn't the villain in this story so why don't you just tell us why you are really here so we can go back to ignoring you." 

Sky tried to say something but decided to keep out of it for the sake of his best friend as well as his dad. He didn't know what he would or should say to his father and really he had not yet recovered from the fact the guy was actually alive. Andreas was about to respond and shut the girl down once and for all when he was interrupted by a female voice "now now Alessia why don't you calm down and listen to what we have to say, I think it would be very good for you if you did." Alessia and Sky turned around startled by the new voice they did not yet know.

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