Chapter 10:

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AN: Sorry for taking a little longer to update once more but i've had a very busy and strange week. My grandmother had a stroke at the beginning of this week so its been kind of hectic and I haven't really had much time or motivation to write or update so sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know :) Also thank you for over 2K reads! 

Saul hadn't expected to have a great night of sleep but he had not expected to be woken up by a short scream clearly coming from his niece opposite him in the room. He shot up in bed and quickly made his way over to his niece's bed who was sat up shaking and breathing deeply. "I'm sorry." She stuttered trying to slow her breathing enough to stop shaking. Saul sighed and sat down next to the girl "you don't need to apologise love, you can't help you're having nightmares. I wish I could do more than calm you down after you had one, maybe we should go and talk to Farah tomorrow?" He suggested as the girl slowly calmed down enough to stop shaking. Alessia sighed before nodding her head aware that may be the best option as she was tired of dealing with all the nightmares every damn night. 

She slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom to get a drink and splash some water in her face, hoping this would help with the feverish feeling she had. Saul followed his niece's every move with his eyes but relaxed once he knew she was doing okay and wouldn't pass out or start crying or anything like that. "How's your head?" He asked once she had sat back down in her bed and pulled her duvet over her bare legs.

Alessia shrugged "fine I guess, it only hurts a little right now, but I guess you want me to sit out of training for the next few days?" She asked, aware what the procedure was when it came to concussions or other head injuries as Sky got hit in the head a few years ago when they were training and was forced by Silva to take it easy for a week. Saul nodded "yes, it wouldn't be good if you got hit again within a short period and considering you've been knocked out twice in the last 2 months or so I am taking this one very serious." He said hoping his niece would understand where he was coming from, he didn't need to worry as he saw in her eyes she understood perfectly and for once even agreed with him "I get it, besides I don't think I would be any good at training tomorrow, I feel like I can sleep for the entire day thats how tired I am." she explained suppressing a yawn as if she had planned it. 

Saul laughed and pushed her back down in her bed "then sleep, I will let you sleep in tomorrow but only because you got knocked out by a psycho, don't expect any other special favours from now on." Alessia nodded and smiled at the man who softly kissed her on her forehead before making his way back to the other bed hoping to get some sleep as well. Thankfully they both slept soundly for the rest of the night, both too tired to be plagued by any nightmares or worries.

When Saul woke up the next morning he quietly left the room, leaving a note for his niece to inform her he had gone to breakfast before going out to train the specialists, in case she needed to find him. He considered picking her up some breakfast but decided against it when he ran into Sky who instantly asked about his best friend still annoyed by the man as he  hadn't let him go and see her the night before. "She's still asleep but why don't you pick up some breakfast for the two of you and go see her, I'm sure she would appreciate it, I'll even allow you to be late to training today." He said smiling at the blonde, hoping this would make him happy and make up for his behaviour from the night before. 

Sky nodded, thanking the man with a smile following him to the canteen to pick up some breakfast for him and Alessia, Riven had told him she was alright but he still worried and was kind of angry with Silva when he didn't let him see her but he also understood she needed rest and was probably already asleep by the time they'd finished dealing with Beatrix.

Alessia groaned as she opened her eyes, not sure what woke her up at first but soon figuring it out when she saw Sky standing in her doorway trying to softly close the door but kind of failing. "Morning Sky, never try and become a ninja you are definitely not stealthy enough." She said a laugh in her voice as she slowly sat up rubbing her eyes to feel a little more awake. "Morning, sorry Less, but being quiet while balancing breakfast in one hand is harder than I thought." He explained putting the food and drinks he brought on the nightstand next to Alessia's bed and sitting down next to her giving her a worried smiled "how are you feeling?" He asked a little hesitant not sure if he was ready to hear the answer if it was negative "Im okay, tired and sore but doing much better than yesterday, just annoyed I wont be allowed to train for like a week really." She explained, letting out a happy gasp when she saw Sky had brought croissants and strawberries, her favourites, for breakfast. 

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