Chapter 2: Nezu's Son!?

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3rd POV:

Izuku was in shock. He was wondering if he just heard Nezu right, that the principal of UA wanted to adopt him and turn him into a hero!? "What... why would you want to adopt me? I am quirkless... I am worthless... I am a freak of nature. People use me as a lab rat for their quirks.... that's how I got a lot of my scars? Why would you... why!?" Izuku said as he started breaking down. Everything Izuku kept saying just hit home for Nezu as he remembered his days in the cages that the doctors and scientists kept him in. How they would test all different things on him to see the results. How they tried to figure what he was out but could only determine that he was a freak of nature. 'This boy and I are really alike... humans are so cruel...' Nezu thought. "Because you and I are so alike each other. More than you know right now. We are vastly smarter than everyone else... treated like we shouldn't exist yet we do. So want to become Izuku Nezu?" Nezu asked since he didn't have any last name the boy would just have to take Nezu as his last name. Izuku nodded his head and spoke up. "I do... but how would you get my mother to ever agree to it? There isn't much you can do in that regard and no courts would agree since I am quirkless." Izuku stated with tears staining his face. Nezu thought for a few moments and nodded his head. 

"I have a police detective that is perfect for this. A lot of what your mother has done would qualify under mental abuse and child neglect since she knew about some of the stuff that happened to you and didn't pull you out of the school or anything. I'm sure there are no police reports from her either. I also have the right to take you from her custody using a hero law that is less known since it's hardly used. Let's keep your attempt on your life between us and we will deal with that privately okay?" Nezu said since he knew some might try to use that against Izuku and try to keep him out of Nezu's care or that Izuku should be put into a mental hospital. Izuku nodded his head and soon they both headed to UA as Nezu called the detective to get him to UA as quickly as possible. 

Soon they arrived at the school and made their way to Recovery Girl. Nezu wanted his wounds documented by Recovery Girla and for him to be healed. He also wanted to know how old all of his wounds are. As they entered the medical ward, Recovery Girl looked confused since it was long after hours of when students would be here then she saw Nezu. "Recovery Girl, I need you to exam him. Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa will be here soon for the official police reports. We need all current wounds and all other old wounds recorded and documented for the police case." Nezu said as Izuku removed his shirt showing his body and they were horrified! There were so many scars and burns on his body. There was no way that Inko Midoriya didn't know about his body. If she didn't.... then she was really an idiot!

Recovery Girl started taking pictures and documenting the ones that were fresh

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Recovery Girl started taking pictures and documenting the ones that were fresh. "Sonny... we're going have to wait for me to heal the new ones until the detective is here so he can verify them for his reports. Also, once I use my quirk you are going to get really tired and likely fall asleep." Recovery Girl stated and Izuku nodded his head. "It's fine. I don't really feel the pain anymore since I'm so used to the constant pain." Izuku stated and that only made Nezu and Recovery Girl only more pissed at those that did this. After about 30 minutes of taking photos, she asked if there were any below his waist. He nodded and took his pants off as she pulled the curtain to hide him and her. There were none around his private areas but more on his lower legs and outer thighs where people would attack him. 

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