Chapter 7: Izuku Meets Gran Torino!

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Izuku was currently sitting on a beach trying to slow down his breathing and relax a bit. He just finished his long 20 k run. He was so glad that he had a running buddy now to help push him forward since had didn't know if he would have been able to finish the last portion of the run. Izuku looked over and felt a cold feeling on his cheek as Mirio placed a cold drink on his face. "That's cold Nii-chan!" Izuku pouted at Mirio. You see over the pasts months Mirio has become more protective of Izuku after learning of Izuku's past and for some reason that Izuku hasn't figured it out... Mirio hates talking about All Might and has a sour face when even the hero is mentioned. Unkown to Izuku, when Izuku told Miro about the roof incident and how all of that went down... Well, let's say All Might got kicked in the nuts with a 10% full cloak mode. Izuku never understood why Mirio called it that mode but anyway, Mirio had arrived at a meeting between him, Sir Nighteye, All Might, and All Might's former mentor Gran Torino. They were meeting to try and figure out how to fix Mirio's issues of controlling the quirk. Mirio hadn't told anyone else that he had gotten control of the quirk with Izuku's help several weeks before. This was because he wanted to delay them finding out about Izuku any time soon since they would likely act suspicious of him since Izuku didn't want others finding out about him. So Mirio kept silent about gaining control of the quirk

When he walked into the meeting he saw All Might. They all smiled at Mirio and waved him in. Mirio moved towards All Might and asked him to buff up for a few moments. There was no way he would attack All Might in his skinny form but his buff form was fair game. As All Might stood up in his buff form and everyone was confused, Mirio quickly powered One For All on at 10% and landed a kick right to All Might nuts. All Might let out a squeal and fell down to the floor. Everyone was dumbstruck at what Mirio did. He just used One For All without breaking bones and did it across his entire body but he also just nailed All Might in the nuts! "MIRIO! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" Sir raged out. Mirio looked at him and then back to All Might. "Just to be clear, that was somewhat personal for why I did it. Not personal for me per se but the day will come when you learn why I did that and I think you will greatly understand why you deserved that and even more! Until then, you are nothing but the person that gave me the quirk. That's it. I hope you find the answer to the question of why I kicked you in the nuts." Mirio stated with a frown on his face as he had leaned down to All Might but still talked loud enough for everyone to hear it. He then got up and looked at everyone. "Good day! I'm going to head to UA to do some training at the gym if you don't need anything. I did learn how to control the quirk via a third-party that gave me some helpful tips but you won't find out anytime soon on who that person is!" Mirio said as he just walked out not letting them speak. Everyone was still confused as hell but Gran Torino decided to follow Mirio though and he was doing a good job until about 5 blocks away when Mirio turned around and faced him.

"Can I help you, Gran Torino? I don't plan to tell you why I did it. He needs to learn his actions have consequences and he really screwed up." Mirio said with a slightly pissed tone. Gran Torino raised his eyebrow at this. 'Actions have consequences... what did you do you big olf!' Gran Torino thought. "I don't plan to tell him. Otherwise, he wouldn't learn his lesson but maybe I can help you in whatever you are doing or planning?" Gran Torino stated and Mirio paused at this. 'It would be helpful to have another person to help Izuku learn combat... He can only learn so much from fighting me and fighting the same person all of the time is bad for your growth.' Mirio thought. "Fine... but you need to keep him a secret from All Might and Sir Nighteye. I don't want them near him until All Might learns his failure because it was big... he... I'll explain later but meet me at  Takoba Municipal Beach Park at XX:XX tomorrow. Okay?" Mirio said and Girn nodded his head. Soon Mirio went about his day and had wanted Izuku via text that he wanted him to meet someone. 

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