Chapter 8: Chaos & UA Entrance Exam

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3rd POV:

As the time got close to the entrance exam, Izuku introduced or well re-introduced Mirio to his papa. They were all sitting in the principal's office since Nezu wanted to speak to Mirio. Nezu offered everyone tea and Izuku took it. Sue him but he's taken tea brewing as a large hobby now due to his papa and Izuku enjoys it. Mirio wondered why he got asked to meet since it was so late after school though he didn't have a problem with it. He did guess that it had to do with Izuku himself and not school or maybe a mix of both. "As you likely guess, this talk is about Izuku himself. I have some favors to ask of you once Izuku gets into the school since there are some things I want to avoid overall once he starts." Nezu asked and Izuku was confused about what his papa was going to be asking. Mirio nodded his head and said he would be glad to help whenever he could for his little brother. Nezu smiled at this and was glad when he learned about Mirio taking care of Izuku and helping him train. In all honestly, Izuku's training had become much better at a faster pace since Mirio got involved. Izuku was nowhere near the level of any of the big three or third-years but regardless of them, Izuku with his quirkless combat and using the support gear, Izuku was at least above the first-year level and could likely take on some of the second years. It also helped that Izuku had Gran Torino for about 3 or 4 months worth of training with Mirio which only helped solidify his skills. 

"As you likely know of Izuku's being my adopted son, we've kept this under wraps, for the most part, except for a few people. Izuku's identity will be exposed once he starts attending here at minium at the sports festival since he won't have normal classes due to taking a placement exam that puts him at the bachelor's level of college." Nezu said and Mirio wasn't surprised one bit! "As such, I would like him to spend most of his time when he's not with me or someone I trust while off-campus to be with you and the big three since villains will target him. I'm not discounting Izuku's skills to protect himself since he's gotten very good under you and Gran Torino but I just want to be safe for those very large and powerful villains that might aim for him if he goes off-campus. It's kind of why I spend most of my time on Campus and only leave at completely random times so no one can predict my movements. I know you have your work-study and all but when your not on it and Izuku would like to leave, I ask if you are free to go with him or one of the other big three once you introduce him to them." Nezu asked and Mirio agreed right away without even thinking about it. Nezu was happy with that and then asked about the second favor. 

"Again, Izuku won't have his normal classes which means he will be working with me most of the time but I still have a school to run. As such, I plan to send him to you big three most of the random times, or else Izuku might start causing chaos which I'm not opposed to but my staff might revolt sooner or later. So, I kind of need someone to help tame Izuku's chaos which you seem to be good at doing since he clams down near you." Nezu said as he thought back to the last incident that Izuku decided to do. Izuku had stolen all of the coffee mugs in the staff lounge overnight and Eraserhead was pissed! It was funny to Nezu but not the rest of the staff since Aizawa was pissed and aggressive all day with the other staff. Izuku smirked knowing what things his papa was talking about and Mirio gave him a look that said to behave and Izuku pouted. Nezu just chuckled as Mirio said he would help tame Izuku whenever they were free since third-years don't have many educational classes and it's mostly spent training, work-studies, or studying for the few educational classes that they have. That is why UA's education system is so hard, they pack a lot of the material in the first year and ease up as you hit the third-year so they have more time to work out the flaws before hitting the field full time. "So Nii-san will be my glorified babysitter who needs to keep me from causing chaos?" Izuku asked with a small pout and they all laughed since it was an accurate description! Then Nezu asked about the next favor. 

"I know you know about Izuku's history. Izuku's... main tormentor will be at UA since I doubt he will fail the exam." Nezu said and before Mirio could protest at that since he had that look on his face, Nezu kept talking. "Izuku wanted to give him a chance at redemption. He's going to be under heavy restrictions and rules. One massive screwup will get him thrown in prison since he pledged guilty to the charges. I want you to just keep an eye on Izuku's mental health whenever he has to deal with that boy as well as if Izuku has any run in's with All Might. We both know why on him..." Nezu stated with a bit of venom at their names. Izuku was confused about the run-ins with All Might then he realized that his papa did mention hiring a new teacher and realized it was going to be All Might! "I don't know what I might do to him if he comes around... there was a way for me to become a hero... he just did not even think about the other paths. He just dismissed me because I was quirkless and that hurt the most from the number one hero who would go on TV and say anyone could be a hero." Izuku muttered. Nezu and Mirio both nodded their heads at that. They had to agree with Izuku since All Might did screw up and he wasn't like by anyone in the room. Mirio was fine with all of the favors that Nezu had asked of him and soon the meeting came to an end. Izuku used one of the secret passages to get to the home while Nezu and Mirio stayed in the office after he left. Nezu looked at Mirio and asked him a question before he left.

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