Chapter 20: Hosu Aftermath

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3rd pov:

Nezu was sitting in his car worried as Eraserhead drove towards Hosu. He had received a text message with the location of Izuku and they decided to head to the city to just be on the safe side. About 35 minutes later Nezu's phone went off and it was Izuku. He answered it and asked Izuku where he was since he got an update from Best Jeanist that Izuku was nowhere to be found. "Sorry, Papa. Looks like I'm not coming home today." Izuku said. Nezu was in shock and felt sick. "Wh... what do you mean!" Nezu asked as he tried to remain calm as he was hacking the location of Izuku's phone call as it was going and soon had it and sent it to Best Jeanist. "I'm in a different alley about 3 or so blocks away. After Iida and Native left Stain pushed the fight and I was forced to a new location. He's no longer toying with me anymore. He deemed me as a true hero worthy of killing him just like All Might... but this has turned into a battle where he plans to kill me since he sees me as a threat to his quest to purge fake heroes since he knows I will create a plan to capture him and likely succeeded in doing it. He's granted me the right to call you and say goodbye as my final request before we fight..." Izuku said. Nezu tried to get Izuku to just run and escape but Izuku's answered and it killed Nezu's hopes.

"I can't... I'm too exhausted since I've been fighting him for 35 minutes and I'm covered in wounds. He also has no plans to let me escape either so the moment I turn my back I'm dead." Izuku said and Stain spoke up and Nezu could hear it through the line. "I need to end this before they arrive. I've allowed the call and it's now time to end this." Stain stated. "Papa I got to go now. Stain won't let me talk anymore... forgive me and I love you Papa Nezu." Izuku said as he ended the call and Nezu just broke at that. "GET THERE QUICKLY! STAIN IS ABOUT TO KILL HIM!" Nezu said as they were getting closer to the city but Nezu knew just like Aizawa they would never make it in time. Nezu could only hope that someone would make it in time. 

15 minutes later Nezu received a phone call from Best Jeanist. They had gotten to Izuku but he was wounded with a short sword stabbed into his stomach area. Stain was captured since Izuku had knocked him out. Izuku was currently at the hospital already and they only could await word now. Nezu thanked the main for the information and soon they would arrive at the hospital. After about another 10 minutes they arrived at the hospital and Nezu rushed to the waiting room and found Best Jeanist, Bakugo, Mirio, Gran Torino, and the police chief waiting. "Any word?" Nezu asked and Best Jeanist shook his head. "I'm sorry... the League attacked Hosu and Izuku knew Iida had run off from his mentor... I allowed him to go to ensure Iida would likely live or be stopped from his actions but I didn't foresee this going on. More Nomu's appeared out of nowhere which stopped up from getting them in time." Best Jeanist stated as he bowed his head. Nezu just waved him off and didn't blame him. No, he blamed Iida for his stupid actions and the League for stopping help from arriving. Nezu asked the chief if he talked to the student and native yet. "No, I want to wait for word on Codex first. If he were to... I hate to say it but dies while being operated on... Iida will be set for a whole different charge instead of vigilantism which we might sweep under the rug and let you deal with him instead but again this all depends on Codex's making it as I pray he does since I would rather not arrest Iida Tenya for manslaughter since it was his actions that put Codex in that alleyway." stated the chief and Nezu nodded his head and Bakugo was stunned at what his classmate was facing. Aizawa was also pissed at what his student has done and swore regardless he was going to run the boy into the ground for almost getting the Chaos child killed because Aizawa refuses to acknowledge the possibility of the Chaos child dying since he grew attached to him. Aizawa sees a lot of himself in the kid and is glad that Izuku Nezu was proving everyone wrong about those without quirks or weak quirks or so-called villainous quirks. 

As they were talking, a doctor came in with blood-covered on his clothing, and everyone paled. "Who's here for Izuku Nezu?" Asked the doctor as he looked at the chars in his hands. Everyone said they were and he looked up to see the room full of heroes or the police chief. "First and foremost. He's alive and will make it. He should be awake in about 20 minutes or so after the drugs wear off that kept him under. I will be honest it was rough and we thought we would have lost him but he was an extreme fighter and he didn't lose as much blood as we feared he did. The biggest problem was just repairing all of the damage which quirks helped a lot on. He will suffer no permanent damage besides scars from this. He does need to stay away from physical work for about a week or so. I will show you to his room if you follow me." stated the doctor and they were all happy for the news and relaxed. They soon arrived at Izuku's room and saw him lying in the bed as everyone sat down. The chief told them all he was going to speak to Native and get the events from him and then be back to talk to Izuku after Iida.

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