Chapter 19: Hosu

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3rd POV:

Izuku honestly could say that working with Bakugo wasn't really an issue at all. True, Izuku gave him the cold shoulder the entire time but Bakugo didn't push Izuku when he didn't want to have a conversation at all or didn't want to deal with Bakugo. As such, the week was going by quite well and they didn't run into Stain or any trouble. Bakugo would be handed off to a sidekick when they arrived at Hosu so that Best Jeanist and Izuku could travel by the roofs or the back alleys in search of the hero killer. The sidekick and Bakugo were both told to stay in highly lit and populated areas since Best Jeanist and Izuku were there to hunt for Stain and shouldn't go near areas where Stain would likely be at. However, fate doesn't seem kind to Izuku at all because on the third day they were out and about things decided to take a drastic turn for the worse. As the four of them were traveling on a train to Hosu Izuku spoke up. "Keep on your guard... something feels off in the air... it feels tense like something is about to happen," Izuku said and Bakugo and the sidekick looked at him as if he was crazy but kept their mouths shut when Best Jeanist spoke. "You are correct. Trust your gut and instincts Codex, you somehow obtained them on the level of a seasoned pro since something is off. I'm calling the agency nad having sidekicks come to ---" He was saying as he was cut off as a hero was thrown into the side of the car breaking into it. Then as everyone was screaming a Nomu came in the car and was about to attack the hero when Best Jeanist forced it out of the car. 

"FOLLOW ME!" He yelled as they all jumped out of the train and saw the city was ablaze! There were also countless Nomu's throughout the city. They got moving and started to save people. Izuku spoke up to all of the heroes nearby. "AIM FOR THE HEADS THEY ARE MINDLESS DRONES! THE BRAIN STOPS THEM IF IT GETS DESTROYED!" Izuku yelled out and the heroes got to work and those that could easily do it started stopping the Nomu's while others worked on saving the people in danger. However, one person's scream caught Izuku's attention. It was Manual, the hero that Iida was interning with. The hero was screaming and trying to find Iida Tenya. 'HE REALLY DID IT! HE REALLY WENT AFTER STAIN ON HIS OWN!' Izuku thought. "BEST JEANIST!" Izuku shouted and the man looked at Izuku and so did Bakugo who stayed close to the man. "Iida Tenya did just as I feared he would do. He went after Stain and is likely fighting him right now or hunting him down. I'm going ahead and will send you my coordinates." Izuku said and Best Jeanist looked at him in the eyes and nodded his head. "Go... don't die Izuku." Best Jeanist said and Izuku ran away Bakugo was stunned. He looked at the hero who noticed his stare. "He can handle himself... if anyone he is likely more suited to handle Stain due to his distance fighting style with his capture gear and the fact that he is good at close combat. I wish I could send you to help but if you went and fought using your quirk you would get arrested. I can authorize you to help with these Nomu's and saving people here but if you aren't near me that authorization doesn't really work and is a weak claim to use for your actions. The police could try to arrest you so we need to hurry this up and be ready to go help him. Do you understand?" Best Jeanist stated and Bakugo could sense the worried tone. He nodded his head and helped save people as fast as he could and used his quirk on any Nomu's that got too close to the civilians he was saving. 

'These are weaker than the ones from the U.S.J from how they are fighting.' Bakugo thought as they just kept working. However, for Izuku Nezu aka Codex, he was running across the roofs in hopes of finding Iida Tenya before the idiot got himself killed. After about 8 minutes of running across the roofs, Izuku heard a scream from an alley to his left and moved to it. He ran over to it and looked down to see a pro hero called native laying on the ground, Stain, and Iida Tenya below Stain. Stain was above to deliver the killing blow on Iida when Izuku threw out several knives forcing Stain to back away from Iida. Izuku then jumped down and got between Iida and Stain. "Iida, can you move?" Izuku asked and Iida said no and asked why he was there.

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