Chapter 15: The Recoil

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Izuku and the big 3 were currently laying down in the private section of the medical wing that Nezu had built recently. This was the second time they all found themselves in this room and it was already getting old to them. One was enough, two is annoying, and they didn't want a third time but felt like it was going to happen regardless if they wanted it to or not! Izuku turned his head and looked at the others and thought for a bit. "So... we going to talk about how we all blew All Might off and likely confused everyone how we looked and reacted to him?" Izuku stated and they all just shook their heads. "There's not much to talk about. I don't even see him as a master really anymore. I'm a bit distant with Sir Nighteye as well. I've just... grown-up mentally more and realized how unfair the world is to people that are less... how to say this fortunate to be born the way they are unlike some people. All Might knew though... he should have known the numbers that you had to live through. He should have known there were other paths but he didn't. He just forgot where he came from and decided to give the middle finger. He's done a good job as a hero but he's still left behind all those that should have mattered the most to him. The quirkless, those with weak quirks, with villainous quirks. Yet he pandered to those that were already well off in this society and I don't want to be anything like him. I want to be better and I am doing that by stay with you, Nejire, and Tamaki." Mirio stated and Izuku cried a bit at his speech. "You're going to be an amazing hero Mirio-Nii," Izuku stated and Mirio thanked him. They all sat there and joke a bit longer before a knock came on the door. Izuku called whoever it was in and they found Detective Tsukauchi standing there with Nezu on his shoulder. Izuku waved at them as he moved his bed up with the remote so he could be facing forward more instead of just facing the ceiling.

"Detective it's been a while since my adoption and you arresting my biological mother," Izuku stated with a wave of his hand. "Indeed it has been. Do they know everything?" He asked and Izuku nodded his head. "Okay, I didn't want to say anything if we talked about the past or anything and they had questions." stated the detective. Then Nezu spoke up and said that they all knew about One For All as well which made them freak out for a bit. "This man is a friend of All Might's... he knows and would be a good resource to contact if any of you are in trouble. Especially anything related to the quirk. He also knows that it was All Might that broke the camel's back in a sense in regards to you jumping so he isn't happy with All Might at all so you can be sure he won't tell All Might anything you want to be kept private from him." Nezu stated nad the detective confirmed the statement so they all calmed down. "Who all knows that Mirio doesn't know about?" Izuku asked Nezu and the detective. They thought for a few and realized that Mirio had now met everyone in the known about the quirk. "No one else as far as I am aware. The detective was the last person outside of Gran Torino, All Might, Sir Nighteye, myself, and Recovery Girl. Of course, all four of you are now on that list as well." Nezu stated and they nodded their head except Izuku which they all noticed and waited for him to speak. "You're missing one. All For One knows and he's back. That creature at the U.S.J. had multiple quirks that we know for a fact. The most likely person to have made that creature was All For One and the 'leader' of the League is childish but does have intelligence under that demeanor as if he is being groomed. I think we just met the heir to All For One and this was a test that All For One gave him to see if the Symbol of Peace was injured or not since that Nomu could have killed All Might. It gave us so much trouble and we only won due to destroying its brain." Izuku stated. At that statement, the room atmosphere changed drastically. 'All Might didn't do a good job of 'killing' the monster of the underworld as he thought he did.' Izuku thought as he was thinking of countermeasures to move forward with. Soon though he was snapped out of his thoughts by his papa.

"Calm down son. I'm not going to leave you four out in the cold. I will help you fight this 200-year-old monster. We can plan later but today we need to go over everything that happened for the police reports." Nezu stated and Izuku nodded his head before moving to Mirio's bed and laying against him. The other two also came to his bed and they all just grouped up in a cuddle pile. They knew this was the start of rough times for them and they would push forward the best they could but they would do it together! Soon the questions about the event were asked. One of them was how they handled the situation as it happened. "The situation went really south when some students had screwed up Eraserhead's line of sight which allowed the warp user which we found out was Kurogiri. The warp villain was able to use that split second to get rid of Eraserhead since he was no longer directly looking at the villain to stop his quirk. Once Eraserhead was gone the students all got warped except a few. However, unknown to the villain at that time we had some pre-plans made. The moment we knew we were under attack we sent Lida Tenya out of the building to warn the school." Izuku stated and the others filled in some holes and added more. They kept this going and going until the questions were done.

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