Chapter 9: Truth & Friendship!

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3rd POV:

Izuku had gone off campus once he finished talking to his papa and had texted Mirio where he was going so he could join up with him. Mirio had told Izuku that he was going to introduce him to the other two members of the big 3. Izuku was always interested in meeting the other two people since he heard about it. Izuku waited at the beach that he and Mirio had cleared and about 10 minutes later he heard his name called. "Izuku!" called Mirio and Izuku turned around to find his Nii-san with the two other members of the big 3. "Hello friends of my Nii-san!" Izuku greeted and they were shocked and then looked at Mirio. "He's not my biological brother. You would find out later when you have a meeting with Nezu but this is Principal Nezu's son who I took as my mother about 5 or so months ago and we've known each other for about 10 months now." Mirio stated and their eyes widen when Mirio said that Izuku was Nezu's kid. "How did Nezu have a kid? How did you come about? What's your quirk? Is it like --" stated the girl known as Nejire Hado before Mirio cut her off. "Enough of that!" Mirio said as he clamped her mouth shut. Izuku just laughed at the questions but answered the ones he heard. "I'm adopted, I was born, I'm quirkless, I also am going to be an intelligent hero like my papa via the support department," Izuku stated and their eyes widen that he was able to keep but then Mirio realized who he was talking about then shook his head. He then introduced both of the other members of the big three to Izuku and then Izuku to them. 

After talking a bit longer they soon went down into a park and just walked around. "You said you were going for the support department... shouldn't you be taking the test right now?" Tamaki asked confused on why Izuku wasn't in the test right now. Izuku nodded his head and then spoke. "I'm actually done with it already. The writing only took me 5 minutes. I am Nezu's son after all! Also, the invention section for the support department was an auto pass for me since papa already had all my notebooks with my analysis of heroes and quirks which he accepted as my work." Izuku stated and they nodded their heads at that. Mirio had told them how Izuku had given him the advice to get his mutation under control in a half a day and they were happy to meet the person that did that. Izuku decided to ask them if Mirio had told them that they would be responsible for watching over him whenever he was off-campus.

"Did Mirio tell you about your new job that is attached to me?" Izuku asked and they shook their heads. Mirio then rubbed his neck and just spoke up. "I was going to let Nezu do it but I guess we can explain now. Nezu is afraid that large and powerful villains will target Izuku once the truth of him being Nezu's adopted son is out. As such, he would like one of us to go with Izuku if someone that Nezu trusts can't do it. This isn't a knock on Izuku's skills or abilities since he can defend himself but he doesn't have a provisional license yet even though he will get one within the first week or two of school. Also, his skill is around the start of second-years at the moment so even though he can defend himself, against very powerful villains he can't handle them as we could." Mirio stated. They nodded their heads and went with it. It was a rare thing to be asked to do something like this for the principal. They were also told how Izuku doesn't have any general classes and would either spend his time with Nezu or them since Nezu had to run the school most of the time. Izuku as such would train with them in his free time and it would allow Mirio to tame Izuku down since Izuku is a chaotic gremlin just like Nezu but less tamed. They all felt a shiver go up to their spines at that statement and prayed for anyone that got caught in his eyes. 

After spending about 4 hours in the park, they were ready to return to the campus. Izuku and Mirio had a talk scheduled with Nezu. As they separate and headed back to the campus, they could see some people leaving the campus. It was the students that ended up in the medical ward due to injuries like every year. Soon, they slipped into the campus without being seen and took a series of secret passages that Izuku knew about and used his key card to open and arrived at Nezu's office. Izuku checked the camera before entering and saw that someone had just left Nezu's office. After waiting a bit, the door opened as Nezu opened it himself once they were sure everyone was gone away from his office door. "Hello, boys. Please sit down as it's time we had this conversation." Nezu stated. Mirio agreed, especially with the fact that he's been ghosting All Might unless he was forced to communicate with him by Sir Nighteye who still didn't understand where Mirio was coming from. Mirio had zero intentions of telling Sir due to how big of a fanboy his work-study mentor was. Mirio was a bit concerned about Sir just defending All Might and Mirio wasn't going to listen to that at all. 

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