Chapter 12: Second Day & After Exam

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3rd POV:

Nezu soon arrived at UA and had sent a text message for the Big three to come and help him get Izuku to the medical wing without being seen. They were doing a good job at hiding Izuku's presence here. Most of the teachers didn't even know he was apart of the school! Power loader had hints that pointed at Izuku being here since he made the outfit and had an 'N., Izuku' in his class that Nezu told him that wasn't required to report to his homeroom which shocked the teacher. Though the teacher knew better than to question the Principal and just kept silent about it. Anyway, Nezu waited for the big three to appear and they took Izuku who was still in his outfit to Recovery Girl. They all wanted to ask what happened but kept silent. Soon they arrived at the medical wing and put him down in the private room that Nezu had done recently. Recovery Girl didn't complain since it meant better equipment. She just needs to make sure it was used for important injuries or Izuku who she knew Nezu had in mind when making the room. 'Of course, the father will ensure his son has everything he needs. The day that Nezu turned into this... I thought I died and went to hell.' Recovery Girl thought as she walked into the room to find Izuku in a beat upstate. "What the hell happened to him!" She yelled. They all looked to Nezu and he was silent. They could see some anger under his eyes. 

"The commission pulled a fast one on us. Some quirkest bastards changed the exam. It was... the first portion was the same but the second portion where you fight an opponent to show off your skills got changed. Izuku had to fight all of the heroes he picked for the mission portion. This meant from low ranked heroes to high ranked heroes. Want to take a guess on the highest-ranked he had for the said mission?" Nezu stated and everyone was pale at that. Miro spoke up. "Top 50?" He asked and Nezu shook his head. "Try up to rank number four Best Jeanist," Nezu said and they all paled greatly and their eyes had widened! "He didn't fight number four since he was dead on his feet more or less after his fifth fight of sixth. The highest-ranked hero he fought was number 45, Fourth Kind which Izuku had won. He defeated 5 seasoned pro heroes before standing against Best Jeanist who just tapped his neck a bit and knocked him out. That is how tiring and exhausted Izuku was after around an hour of non-stop fighting of heroes in the triple digits to rank 45." Nezu stated. They were all in shock but also so proud of Izuku! Nezu explained how he won against Fourth Kind and damn they were shocked at how he shocked himself! Recovery Girl grumbled about him being idiotic but was proud regardless. He had earned his provisional license and showed them all up. 

After healing him a bit more and doing a transfusion of some fluids into his body, Recovery Girl said she should be up and ready to leave in about half an hour. Nezu nodded his head and decided to check in to the first year battle training to find All Might had done some random ass battle training instead of the safety requirements! Nezu shook his head and grumbled about All Might being an idiot teacher. 'I'm close to regretting hiring him now...' Nezu thought. The big 3 all just stayed with Izuku. After about forty minutes of waiting, Izuku woke up a bit and was grumbling about wanting to fight Best Jeanist. This made them all chuckle at him which caught his attention. "I'm back at UA... did I fail the last portion?" Izuku asked with a tear in his eye. "Incorrect! You passed with flying colors! You scored 93 out of 100 in the combat section. You lost a few points for the self electrocution though... they were concerned about that. Otherwise, you passed the Provisional License Exam with flying colors and have the same rights and privileges as any other Provisional hero just like the Big 3!" Nezu stated. Izuku broke out into tears and hugged his father while muttering about the fact that he did it! He had proved them all wrong and that he could indeed be a hero. Nezu rubbed his back. 

"Indeed you did. Obtaining your provisional exam was no easy feat at all. I dare say you had it rougher than those taking the normal one." Nezu stated and the big 3 nodded their heads. They would have struggled to do what Izuku did and would have failed his first portion without a doubt. The only thing he didn't have was the rescue aspect in honestly and even then they had a lot of numbers to fight the 'villain' team in their exam instead he had to fight a number of season pro heroes back to back by himself. Izuku asked what time it was and if the first-year battle training had started yet and Nezu told him the time nad yes it did. He threw the feed onto the TV and they watched the cameras and the audio. "I called it... he indeed changed what was planned," Izuku muttered and everyone rolled their eyes at the statement since All Might had become predictable to Izuku.

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