Chapter 14: U.S.J. Part 2

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3rd POV:

The students had been warped, Eraserhead had been warped, Thirteen injured and incapacitated. Only a handful of students remained at the top of the stairs and Izuku cursed in his mind. 'What students screwed Eraserhead up I am wondering...' Izuku thought but his mind soon went back to the fight in front of him. Izuku and the Big 3 were fighting dozens upon dozens of villains that this so-called League of Villains had somehow gathered. 'This hand-freak seems to be childish... but I think there is some freakish intelligence under that immaturity that does show itself. He's been watching us and his eyes have a dangerous glint that shows  he planning.' Izuku thought as he had watched the so-called leader every so often. He had warned his fellow members of this development and they were a bit more on guard now to any movements by the man. Izuku had also seen some clues that suggested that he was the same man that destroyed the gate due to the color of his hair and height which only made them even more on guard. 

As they were making their way through most of the pawns, they saw that some of the students and Eraserhead had arrived back at the start area. Then that is when things changed. As Eraserhead entered the fight to help out, he ordered the students to fall back towards the stairs and they did as they were told for the most part. Most of them moved towards the water area where Mineta, Shinso, and Asui were and were watching as things escalated. "NOMU! KILL THOSE FOUR!" the leader yelled. Though his name was Shigaraki based on the words for the warp user who had fallen back when he noticed that one student wasn't accounted for out of the ones he warped and still had up there. The leader wasn't pleased but wanted to end the trouble makers who in his mind screwed everything up since they weren't planned to be there. The creature called a Nomu charged at Suneaster (Tamaki) and knocked him which sent him flying. Luckily he had made a shell from a sea snail. Its shell was... disgusting to consume but the support department had made it into a tablet that made it easy to consume with some flavoring. This likely saved his life as the hit had cracked the shells which are known to be the hardest animal shell. That set them on very hard guard at the damage they saw. They soon backed up and grouped up as Suneater recovered and got back to them. "Stay on guard... that thing is what they brought to kill All Might as we predicted. Let's go with Plan F," Izuku stated to the other three who nodded their heads. 

Shigaraki started laughing at their attempt to defeat the Nomu. "You won't win! This was made to kill All Might! It has multiple quirks like shock absorption and hyper regeneration! You can't win!" stated Shigaraki. This statement caused the students nearby and Eraserhead to be shocked at the fact that someone had multiple quirks. 'Only if they knew the craziness of quirks.' Izuku thought as he was trying to think up plans. Plan F was more of a stall tactic until Izuku could discover the weakness of the creature. Overall, they were all making the creature become distracted as it tried to attack each of them since Shigaraki's order was to kill all four of them. Then Izuku realized an Issue of the Nomu. "LeMilloin, this creature can only operate on orders likely. It never acted until the hand man ordered it. If we take him out it might become just a mindless tool acting on its last order which we can pull away from the others." Izuku stated and LeMillon nodded his head and charged off to take out the leader. The students yelled for him to watch out as the creature tried to smash him from above as he passed by it but LeMillon just went down into the ground and they all thought he teleported. Even the leader was confused until he got punched right in the face by LeMillon. The war user that is known as Kurogiri teleported next to Shigarki and checked on him. Then the Nomu paused for a second before attacking LeMillon who just dodged and retreated. 

"It seems it has an auto defend function on Shigaraki. That is troubling." Izuku muttered as the Nomu came back at them. Shigaraki got up and yelled for it to stop playing around and it picked up in speed and strength and almost landed several hits on them. 'God! I am so glad I worked on my dam agility!' Izuku thought as he pulled back near the rear since he was slower than the others and wouldn't be able to dodge all of the hits. His main focus was the intelligence side of heroics so he now left more of the combat to them and tried to figure out a plan. The school should be arriving soon but it was getting taxing to fight this creature which seemed unbeatable. Izuku and the other three were also bruised, injured, and tired from all of the thugs and then this creature which did nick them every once in a while. 'We need to end this!' Izuku thought as he scanned over everything he knew about the creature and then something caught his eye... the brain! 'Humans... we operate with our brain. Without it, the body doesn't know how to react meaning the quirks wouldn't be able to regenerate the brain without a portion of it!' Izuku thought as he came up with a plan. "Fall back and regroup!" Izuku shouted and the Big 3 came to him as Shigarki ordered the Nomu to return as he raged. Izuku looked around and then at the Big 3.

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