Chapter 17: Sports Festival Training

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3rd POV:

The weekend passed and the Big 3 + 1 all have recovered from their wounds with the help of Recovery Girl. They also got into sparing against each other and training even more after the events of the U.S.J. Izuku though was also planning out his support gear for the future. As it stood he had the following support gear; Staff, Darts (Sleeping Drugs), Smoke Bombs, Sticky Bombs, Pepper Spray Bombs, Electrical shock wire, and the capture gear. Izuku wanted to figure out some more support gear. The troubles he had against the Nomu were annoying, to say the least, and he wanted to be able to deal with the rising threat of the League of Villains. As such, all four of them found themselves in the support department. As they arrived the door blew off and they found a girl with pink hair laying on the floor. "Hatsumi! How many times have I told you not to blow the lab up!" Power Loader said as he came out and then he saw Izuku and paled a bit. "Nope! You two are not working together! I forbid my problem child from working with the chaos child." Power Loader said as he reached for Hatsumi but was too late as she ran up to Izuku. She grabbed onto him and started to look him over since he was still in his hero outfit since Izuku wore it almost all of the time like the staff does. Izuku knew without a quirk he had less to defend himself with so he kept his gear and outfit on him.

"So you are the rumored Codex that hangs out with the Big 3! What can I help you with!?" Hatsumi stated as she pulled them to her workstation. Izuku just chuckled and gave a wave at Power Loader who groaned at the destruction and chaos that the two of them would cause. "So Hatsumi, as you know I am Codex. What you might not know is that I am a provisional hero out of the first years via the support department. I am also quirkless." Izuku stated and waited for Hatsumi's reactions. She then grabbed him and started looking him over. "Oh! The number of babies I can put on you! You don't have a quirk so I don't have to build around one! THE IDEAS THE IDEAS!" Hatsumi chanted out. Izuku was a bit stunned at her reaction but went with it. "Okay... so yea. I have a list of support gear already but I need more. I need things that will aid me overall from weapons or just other support gear but it can't be things that I am so heavily reliant on that I can't fight without. So, no complete bodysuit. I need to be able to fight without it if it gets destroyed." Izuku stated and she nodded her head as she was making notes of what he was saying. Then she says in silence for a few moments. 

"Okay... so some ideas off the top of my head. I want to change your staff into a multi-tool. Right now it's just a collapsable staff but I would like to make it into one with internal circuits to put off a shock like a stun gun. There would be certain portions you would need to make contact with but it would be more or less both full ends of the staff. You then would trigger the shock yourself. The staff would also be able to snap apart into two separate batons as well and still have the shock features in both ends. You would already have a charge built into the device but the movement of the staff would generate a charge through a motion device inside of it. Though a warning it would be slightly heavier than you are used to!" Hatsumi said and Izuku approved of the idea since that would get variant to what he could use and not add a lot more gear that he had to carry. Hatsumi kept working a bit more and then proposed another idea. 

"As it stands, I want to also replace your little bombs as well with a different version of deploying them. You have to use a bit of force to make them break apart to work. The new method would be a little device that would 'explode' slightly and release whatever is inside. They would also be a bit smaller than the current bombs but pack more inside due to the way they are built. They could also be used as a weapon since I can make the sides have sharp points. This way you could throw it at someone and make it hit them and boom it goes releasing whatever you wanted to after a second after making contact." Hatsumi said and Izuku told her to make a supply of them and he would test them out. If he approved and could get used to them then he would swap them out for his current gear. Hatsumi also gave Izuku some other support gear that was more on the side of infiltration such as a lock picking set, a small laser capable of burning through wires, ropes, and other metal with a bit of time. Overall, the trip to the support department was a good one!

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