Chapter 11: Second Day & Provisional Exam.

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3rd POV:

Izuku Nezu was a man of determination. He was broken before but now he was going in guns blazing as he stepped out of the car with his papa and stood outside of the building where he was going to be taking the Intelligence Provisoanl Hero Exam. As stated before in the past, the provisional exam for the intelligence pro heroes is less combat-focused and more of course intelligence-based. As such, a heavy portion focused on interpreting data and leading a team of heroes into a mission via a remote location and having them succeed in the mission. Of course, the hero commission would throw curveballs throughout the mission to replicate the unreliability of data or false data that you had been fed. As such, this requires the operator aka Izuku to adjust the plan as he goes and counter anything that happens during the operation. Izuku would be given a list of heroes to pick from and make his team based on the information that he gathered and interpreted for his plans. He will have one hour to read through all of the information and then 30 minutes to pick the heroes for a team of six for whatever plan he had created in that hour and a half. Once that is done he is to deliver it to them in person. The heroes then will travel to the site of the operation where they start and act as they see fit to get the plan done with Izuku adjusting their actions as they move forward.

The commission couldn't really do the entire information-gathering process itself since that would take too much time and they also would need to set up a lot of sources for them to hack or have people go gather the information and so on. As such, that would be something that Izuku would need to learn from Nezu or on the field which Izuku was fine with. He himself knew how to do hacking and his papa was already teaching him how to find the information he needs so he wasn't lacking in that area. Izuku sat down in the meeting room where he would meet the heroes that he choose and got to work on the information in front of him. Some were on paper documents and some were in digital formats. 

The room had an area above and behind him that the exam takers could watch him behind some glass so that he wasn't bothered by them being there

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The room had an area above and behind him that the exam takers could watch him behind some glass so that he wasn't bothered by them being there. Izuku was also provided everything that a typical person would have to plan and go through the information. Izuku had sat down and skimmed the information and broke it down into piles of information that he believed was important, those that have some information to review, some that were unimportant. After about 10 minutes of doing that he went through all the documents, he deemed highly important and went up to the sidewall which could be written on, and started making notes. Another 10 minutes passed and he moved onto the next pile. He repeated this but didn't go through the last pile. Instead, he went through the digital documents and made notes on everything he saw that was important. He looked at the time and noticed he had about 20 minutes left after reviewing all of the digital documents.

He then went through the last pile of physical documents and reviewed them for anything that might change the plans that he had in his mind. There was a few key information hidden in the documents that changed his plans slightly. He made notes on the wall and looked it all over. He had 10 minutes left before he needed to select the heroes for the plan and after 30 minutes he would need to deliver the said plan to the heroes. The mission was to take out villains that were based inside of an abandoned dam facility. From the gathered information there was an assumed number of 20 villains from C - rank to B + Rank. The objective was to arrest all the villains and cause minimum damage to the dam due to it still holding back the water that would flood a town down the river. The dam will be rebuilt once the villains are removed so minium damage is key. 

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