Chapter 16: Staff Meeting & Plans.

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3rd POV:

Everyone was clearing the building except the staff, Izuku Nezu, the detective, and the big 3. Nezu wanted the Big 3 at the meeting for a handful of reasons, the main reason was to support Izuku since All Might would be in the room. That was going to be a bit tense and Nezu didn't want Izuku to be alone for it. Also, it was time for the staff to formally meet Izuku as well and to know about him and what he will be doing on campus. Also, he needed to make sure that Aizawa wasn't going to kill Izuku for the pranks... though he did pray for his staff's sanity since Izuku would be here for three years. Soon Nezu had all of them head to the staff room and Nezu entered first. Then Izuku and the big 3 entered. All Might quickly buffed up hoping they didn't see. Izuku rolled his eyes. "All Might drop it... one it's a waste and two it's smart to stay in your skinny form and claim your an assistant to the staff or All Might instead of trying to buff up when someone enters. You're more likely to get caught doing that." Izuku stated and All Might tried to play it off since he was sure the other two of the big 3 didn't know but Nezu just outed him and said they knew. "I told them Yagi so drop it," Nezu stated and All Might was shocked as he dropped his form. "Why did you tell people my secret?" All Might asked confused. Even the staff were confused about Nezu revealing that to students. "Well... one, Izuku being my son would have just seen it on the cameras and the others would have seen it while looking over his shoulder. They are meant to tame him and his chaos since he gets hyper when he doesn't work energy off... as most of you know from his pranks on Aizawa with the coffee and mugs." Nezu stated. That made Aizawa speak up. 

"Indeed... problem child. Why target me?" Aizawa asked. Izuku looked at him as he sat in a seat next to his Papa and the big three joined them at the head of the table. "Oh... more or less to train my stealth around you since you are good at it. Since I'm quirkless I need to rely on ambushes when I know my support gear won't be helpful so going silent is a key thing I need which I've gotten good at. Also, just because I could and wanted to?" Izuku said with the last part being more of a question. Aizawa grumbled about the problem child. "Hey... about that. I am more of a Chaotic Child so... please don't downgrade me or it means war!" Izuku said as he raised a fist in the air and pouted a bit. "NOPE! No prank wars any time soon little bro!" Mirio said as his eyes widened and grabbed the fist and pulled Izuku into his side. "But... he's insulting my chaotic evilness... I have a reputation to uphold with being Papa's son after all!" Izuku said with a small pout and puppy dog eyes at Mirio. "Fine... until he calls you it then you need to stop," Mirio stated. Nezu rolled his eyes and smacked his head. "You are meant to tame his energy levels in not enable him..." Nezu stated with a roll of his eyes again. Everyone grimaced when even Nezu was done completely done with the situation then it wasn't good for them. "Fine... you are a chaos problem child. Happy?" Aizawa said not having the energy to deal with incoming attacks all the time. Izuku nodded his head and had a bright ass smile that made everyone mutter something about 'too bright' but Izuku didn't catch it all the way and tilted his head and made everyone think of him as a puppy.  

"Anyway, you have all now met my adopted son Izuku Nezu. He is a first year going through the support department for the hero track. He is an Intellgeince provisional hero as well. As you all might know or for those that have forgotten about these different types of heroes...." Nezu said while looking at All Might who straightened his back. "The intelligence hero types are like myself or Sir Nighteye. We focus on planning, gathering information, directing missions, and analysis. There are many more things we do but that is the main thing we are known for. Though we do fight villains when we need to as you all know as my son did it today with the big 3. I'm sure you all saw the video of the U.S.J. now. Anyway, the intelligent hero has no different privileges than the normal heroes like All Might. Heroes like myself have fought hard to keep it that way and even though some qurikest bastards in the commission made my son's exam even harder than the one I took, Izuku passed the provisional exam and obtained his Provisional License." Nezu stated and some asked how it was harder and what changed between their exams. 

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