Chapter 4: Izuku Nezu & Nezu

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3rd POV:

Nezu soon arrived back at the school and had Ectoplasm clones take all the boxes to his office. The teacher looked confused about what the boxes were but Nezu sent a look that said if he asked questions he would regret it. He had no plans on the rest of the staff learning of Izuku right now. He would bring Hound Dog in and likely Aizawa but that would be when he felt Izuku was ready mentally to deal with more people knowing about his events. Nezu soon made his way back to the medical wing to find the door locked. Before he could unlock it the door opened to reveal Recovery Girl who waved him in. He asked why the door was closed and she said to keep others out since she had an idea that he likely didn't want others knowing of Izuku just yet. He said she was correct. Nezu saw that Izuku was awake and he climbed up the bed and moved to him and sat down in front of him as he had his knees up to his chest. Izuku looked at Nezu and asked the question.

"How did it go with my mother?" He asked. Nezu considered his words. "Good depending on how you look at it. She signed away her rights to you. We have her pinned for her crimes and she was arrested. I don't know how long she will go away or if she will get a deal since she willing to sign the rights over. I have a copy of the questioning if you want to watch it." Nezu said. Izuku nodded his head and Recovery Girl brought a laptop to them and Nezu plugged in the flash drive and they watched it. By the end of it, he was a crying mess. "Is it... is it wrong that I still love her even knowing all of this now? That I hope one day we can meet again on better terms?" Izuku asked and Nezu said it was quite alright. "She is your blood mother. Even though she failed to do her mother's duties she still provided some basic care which you didn't get from others. But let me make this clear, I will care for you to the level of a parent should and show you where everyone else failed. I do care for you Izuku Nezu and I hope you come to love me as I've quickly come to love you. Our pasts are so alike that I want to ensure you have a much better life." Nezu stated as he hugged Izuku. He didn't feel repulsed at touching Iuzku as he did to other humans. He already saw Izuku as his kit and wanted to ensure he was protected. Izuku grabbed onto Izuku and thanked him. "Thank you, papa," Izuku said as he cried. 

After a bit longer they separated. "Well, Kit. We have many things to talk about but let's do that once we get up to the home. I live here on campus upon the upper levels where no one but I can reach. You will be living with me from now on. Let's go!" Nezu said as he got on Izuku's shoulder and showed Izuku how to get to it from the medical ward which was near the center of the place. Soon they made it to the home and Izuku was shocked at the new home he would be living in from now on!

 Soon they made it to the home and Izuku was shocked at the new home he would be living in from now on!

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(Imagine the walkway outside is the hallway of UA. Also, imagine the walls on the outside are like UA's outside building walls.)

The home was three bedrooms but one room was an office that was in the center by the dining room while the two other bedrooms that were actual bedrooms had walk-in bathrooms while there was also another one for guests to use near the far side bathroom that was next to the kitchen and dining room. The living room was near the entrance and there was a dining room in the center while the kitchen was a decent size with an enclosed sunroom off the kitchen as well. Nezu told Izuku that he was free to use Nezu's home office whenever he needed since he did most of his work down in his actual office most of the time and rarely brought work back into the house unless it was extremely important. Izuku nodded his head and found his notebooks and clothing from the old home in his room. He thanked Nezu for getting it all and he sat down and relaxed. 

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