Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya

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3rd POV:

While Izuku was asleep after Recovery Girl used her quirk on him, there were people moving around and doing things. Inko Midoriya was enjoying her peace and quiet at home and didn't even realize her son had never come home. As she was sitting watching some TV, while she ate some dinner since it was dinner time as well, there came a knock on the door. She looked up at the clock and wondered who it was at this time of day. She went to the door and opened it to find some creature and a man in an overcoat and hat that made him look like a police detective from the movies. "Can I help you, gentlemen?" She states as she puts a smile on her face. Nezu though wasn't buying that smile. It looked practiced and fake. "Yes, are you Inko Midoriya?" the detective asks to just confirm. Inko confirms that she is indeed Inko Midoriya. She asked what they needed. The detective asked if she knew where her son was currently. She said that he was upstairs in his room sleeping. LIE read the detective's quirk. "Then may we speak to him as this is a police matter?" the detective asked to see what she would say. She told them that he wasn't feeling well and she was worried about his health. LIE stated his quirk once again and even on the part that she said she was worried about him. That was greatly concerning and very damning to her. 

"Inko Midoriya, would you please come down to the police station with me. I know for a fact that your son isn't in your home and that you just lied to me since I know where your son is currently. Will you come willing or do I have to drag you?" stated the detective in a colder tone which Nezu picked up on. Nezu had an idea that everything she said was a lie. She went willingly and soon after a short trip, they arrived at the police station where she found herself in the integration room. She put on the act of a concerned mother and was asking how her baby was. However, a lot of what she said was a lie and the detective just kept making notes of it and made sure everything was being recorded. She was just damning herself every single step without him even asking questions. 

Soon he sat down and started the interrogation. "Inko Midoriya, My name is Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, I am legally required to inform you that this is an official police interrogation in regards to your son Izuku Midoriya. Do you wish for a lawyer to be present or do you wave that right?" Asked the detective and she said she was fine without one and she just wanted to know about her son. "Let the recorded show that Inko Midoriya waived her right to a lawyer. Time XX:XX." Stated the detective into the recording device. "Okay, Ms. Midoriya, we are conducting an investigation into injuries that we found on Izuku Midoriya earlier today. He had burn marks and a lot of other scars. Do you know where he received those scars from or who might have done it?" He asked and she said no. LIE. His quirk said and he made a note of it. "We currently think he received them from his classmates from school. Do you know anyone there that would hate your son enough to do that?" He asked and she said no. Lie. Once again he made the note of this lie. 

"Do you why he might have gotten attacked?" He asked and she once again no. Lie. He was shocked at how easily she could lie without showing many emotions that would indicate she was lying. It was such a good thing he was doing the questions since she would likely fool any other detective. "Do you know if your son has faced any discrimination for being quirkless that would have resulted in those scars?" He asked and she said no once again. Lie. He was getting annoyed with her lying. She was screwed regardless. "Do you love your son?" He asked out of nowhere hoping this would be a yes and not a lie. "How dare you! I do love my son!" She yelled but... it came out as a Lie-Truth. The detective made a note indicating a lie-truth. This meant that she was lying a bit but not bullying say the truth. It was inconclusive. He was disappointed... "Do you believe your son is inferior due to being quirkless?" He asked and she said no. Lie. Once again this was screwing her more and more. They just kept the questioning going and going and most of everything was a lie.

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