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September sat hazy and warm, the last of summer blazing. The small home that the Ministry provided him to live out his year of parole had began to feel safe. Almost a month. Not speaking to another soul.

Brewing potions for the Hogwarts infirmary as well as the daily inventory for Alexander Finnegan's potion shoppe in Diagon Alley. A rotating schedule of various treatments. Occasionally a rare brew from a discerning customer.

Life uncomplicated. But not so. The newspapers flocked to him. Even in his undisclosed location. Dozens of owls a day dropping letters, begging to hear his side of the story. But he wanted nothing to do with it. Every single inquiry burned. The vindication he felt from his victory short lived as now he had to somehow prove he was worthy of that choice.

How could he prove it to anyone else when he didn't even believe it himself?

Minerva stopped in occasionally, mostly checking to see if he still alive. She felt guilty for not believing him. He told her there was no need, that it meant he played his part well. But she was a fair and loyal woman. A promise for once weekly dinner meant just that. Perhaps that wasn't the worst thing that could happen.

He sighed as he pulled his hair back, getting ready to go outside and harvest from his garden. His bedroom small, tidy, and full of light; so unlike the dungeon. He found that he quite liked the morning sun waking him in the morning.

The everyday routine settled his anxiety, keeping the ever present fear and hyper vigilance at bay. The tile floor silenced his steps as he walked to the kitchen and made tea and toast. Decor done in greens, whites, and browns. Home for now.

He happily sunk into the ground, moving aside the worms who wriggled to the surface at the disruption. The cool dirt soothing on his fingertips as he dug. The mid morning sun just beginning to gather heat on his back.

"Are you harvesting lavender and echinacea?" asked a curious tiny voice, causing him to snap his head up in surprise

A boy about five or six stood staring at the vast array of plants growing out of the ground, his cinnamon colored curly hair spilling every which way over the same cinnamon colored eyes

"That is correct" he answered simply, not wanting to show his shock at another human, especially a child

"You also have dandelion, ginger, feverfew, and valerian...My mom uses lavender to put under our pillows at night. Do you make remedies?" the child rambled off impressively, standing on his tip toes to see into the garden over Severus' small fence .

Severus sat back, not wanting to particularly engage with a small child but simultaneously intrigued by his vast knowledge.

"Yes, I do"

The boy nodded, taking a moment to survey the large plot of plants before introducing himself

"I'm Solomon. Who are you?"

Severus tilted his head at Solomon before chastising him

"I'm Severus. You shouldn't introduce yourself to a complete stranger, it's not safe"

The boy shrugged his shoulders, his blue shirt shifting up his arms

"Severus from the Latin: severe. I didn't give you my whole name. And it's only dangerous if you're a stranger. I've seen you every day since we moved in a month ago. You feed your birds at seven am, then fix your garden until nine. Then you go inside. You come outside sometimes after lunch and read. Then you go for a walk. Then back inside. Everyday. You have bat houses in all of your trees. You have an owl post on your front porch. See, you're not a stranger"

Severus Snape: The Becoming Where stories live. Discover now