Change of Plans

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*It's a little short, but I'm working on more! Thanks for sticking around!

He awoke to the sound of a knock on his door. Cautiously, he made his way over, wand in hand. The possibilities were slim as to who it could be, but he wasn't one to let his guard down.

Gazing through the peep hole, he saw black scruffy hair and glasses

"Potter, it's the middle of the night?" he grimaced as the light from Harry's wand burned into his still half asleep eyes

"I know sir, but there's been several threats made against you and Aysel. We have to move you now. Can you pack your things quickly?" Harry shifted uncomfortably, expecting backlash.

But at this point there was no fight left. He accepted what came to him. It didn't matter what happened. He squared his shoulders and accio'd his belongings into a trunk, magically sized to fit. His whole life and proof of existence gone in thirty seconds.

Perhaps he wouldn't have to see Aysel ever again. Their last fight seared into his mind. He shouldn't let her words frustrate him. But he couldn't stand false narrative surrounding himself any longer. The righteous anger burner in his chest as he looked down at Harry's extended arm.

"I can't tell you where we're going. You're just going to have to trust me" the young man said, words laced with apology

As if he had any other choice. The boy hadn't let him down before, in the end. He placed his hand on Harry's wrist and they apparated together.

They landed in a housing complex, each home identical to the next.

"Muggle homes. A whole Ministry's worth of protective spells. We have a story for you to tell the neighbors if they ask. You're a married man, a wife and child. Classified government position..." Harry explained before being cut off

"Married? Are you telling me that Aysel and Solomon are going to be staying here too?" he asked in disbelief, fear rising up into his throat

"Yes, the ministry decided to keep you three together. It would be easier to keep you safe" Harry said

"Or it would make us easier targets. Sitting ducks. Why not split us up?" Severus pushed, hoping to sound logical and not hysterical

"Do you have an issue being around them? Because the ministry really only considered your probation because of Aysel's testimony..."

"I'm so very untrustworthy, after two decades of service that the word of a ministry grunt supersedes my own?" Severus spat, grimacing as Harry recoiled

"She isn't a grunt sir. She's a Director. She has threats against her too. Her work will put several high ranking Death Eaters in Azkaban for a long time. Without her, there's no case. The ministry also believes you to be a superior wizard, able to hold your own against enemies, should you need to. And you would be able to help identity any of the criminals when the time comes. The plan really involves the two of you be willing to protect each other until the end of this year..." Harry laid out the plan, the way his words laced with quiet confidence told him that there was no changing it.

"After this plan, and my probation is done, I never have to be seen or heard from again?" he demanded, knowing that six months was not a long time in reality

"Correct. And you would be compensated as well"

He drew in a deep breath, following Harry into the house.

"Severus! I've got my own room!" yelled a very excited voice, the sound of stomping feet preceding it

Solomon appeared in a matching pajama set, his hair askew and eyes way too bright for three am.

"That is very exciting. Perhaps you should use it for a good night's sleep?" he joked drily, knowing that sleep could not be far behind the adrenaline

"Mum said the same thing. Can we do potions tomorrow? I haven't seen you in a long time" the little boy asked with hopeful eyes that he couldn't find in his ragged heart to deny

"If you go to sleep and stay asleep, then yes. Tomorrow we will learn. You can't learn when you're exhausted" he offered sternly, watching as Solomon skipped off to his room

"I see you've found out their genius plan" Aysel's less than chipper voice rounded the corner, her arms crossed across her pajama top

"I have. I don't think it wise, but then again a man of my standing doesn't have much choice" he responded bitterly

"Professor, you can continue to work for the hospital from here, a ministry aide will come by at days end. Director Lundgren, we will be in contact. There is a packet with all your information in it on the counter, please destroy it when you're finished" Harry told them as the team filed out of the house

Awkward silence filled the kitchen as he begin to read over his new life. Joseph Kent, age 40, married to wife Marie with son Christopher. A strange injustice crossed his brain; he realized that he was reading about a life he wished he would have. Married with a child and reputable job in a lovely home with no abuse. It was a dream he held onto as a child when things were bad. But as he got older and choices became more twisted, the dream faded into nothing.

"Why are you smiling?" Aysel asked as she slid the paper out from under his hands

"I am marveling at how completely convoluted my life has become" he answered stealthily, summoning two shot glasses and a fire whiskey from his trunk

"I suppose life is anything but straight forward" she commiserated, accepting his gesture of whiskey

"I accepted the position of private potions tutor for Solomon" he attempted to joke a few minutes later after she had finished reading

Aysel laughed, the first time he had seen her do so in quite sometime

"I hope he pays well"

"If he tries to skip out, I know where to find his mother" Severus arched his eyebrow, stretching out his body

"Can we figure out whatever this is in a few hours? I should try to sleep" she questioned softly, rubbing her eyes

He nodded, summoning his belongings to the empty room at the end of the hallway. He wasn't certain that a night of sleep could fix things, but he was willing to try.

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