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"Mum, why can't we tell Severus where we are?" Solomon whined at his mother, grumpily pulling his clothes out of the bag they had packed last night

She sighed heavily, rubbing her forehead

"We will. Just not right now. I need a little time to think about what we are doing with our life"

"Severus would have helped us" he huffed, feeling annoyed because he knew she wasn't telling him the truth

"Solomon...There are some things you just don't get to know because you're a child. I know you won't like that answer but that's the truth" she tried to kiss the top of his head and he purposely stepped out of the way so she missed

"I don't want a kiss. I'm mad at you" he stomped his foot, abandoning his clothes and curling up in the corner of the bed with his potions book and blanket

"I know you are. I'm sorry. I'm going to make lunch, I'll bring you up something" she quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her

He felt tears sting at his eyes, upset at the fact that he didn't have a choice in where they lived. He missed the creaky house with the loose step so he could always tell when someone was coming downstairs. He missed Severus' potion room where he grew all sorts of plants and it smelled like dirt and mint. This place smelled like dust and medicine.

He looked out the window and saw their new owl, Morrigan, on the branch grooming herself.  He pulled out some paper, scribbling a hasty note

I'm going to come find you. I don't like staying with my grandparents, it smells funny. This is our owl Morrigan"

Opening the window, the beautiful horned owl fluttered over to him, and he attached the note to her leg gently

"Take this to Severus Snape. He is my friend"

He didn't know how the owls knew where people were, but it was a way for him to try and find his friend. He heard a familiar voice floating up the stairs, one he hadn't heard in a while, well, at least since last night.

Granny. But he didn't really feel like going to see her because he was still grumpy with his mother. Stealthily, he crept to the edge of the balcony where he could hear down into the kitchen below

"What do you mean? You told me you didn't know who his father was?" Granny whispered in a confused tone

"I didn't. It was a complete accident. We were talking about our lives and it kind of slipped out that we had...known each other but not realized it. He made a potion that could tell for certain...And I got scared" his mother whispered back, feet pacing across the floor

"You're telling me that the man you had to go into hiding with, that you thought you didn't know...is actually Solomon's father?" Granny must have  sat the tea kettle down hard, it clattered loudly

"Yes. And I ran because I didn't know what that would mean" Mum muttered, the sound of silverware getting placed

"Aysel Louise! You always told me that you wished he had a father in his life, and now he does! Why would you do that?! Do you want to destroy your lives?" Granny didn't bother to whisper, fiery anger lacing her words

"I'm afraid. But I do like...maybe even love Severus. I think I do love him. But what would that mean for me? He's got all that history. He's an outcast. An ex death eater. How would Solomon deal with that? He already struggles to make friends and can you imagine if he walked around introducing Severus as his father? The kind of mayhem that would ensue..." Mum rambled, her words exploding like a potion with a wrong ingredient

His heart raced and tears stung in his eyes. Severus was his dad. A real dad! And now he was gone. And he didn't know where he was. Did Severus want him to go away? No. He wouldn't say that. He wouldn't do that. Why would his mum call him those names?

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