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I am taking literary license with the HP universe and the murky knowledge of the Sacred 28 families. There was barebones on Wiki and I filled in a little bit.

"Who are you?" he asked Aysel again, crossing his arms.

She rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath in as she glanced around and admitted

"I'm part of a pureblood family. You've no doubt heard of the sacred twenty eight..." 

He squinted his eyes, scrolling through his brain of the list of families and their twisted nearly inbred members

"Which family?"

"The Rowles. They were very in depth with the cause mother fell in love with someone not approved by my grandfather. So she ran away. I never knew about that life because I wasn't born into it. I grew up away from it all...We changed our names and identities. That is until all the nonsense started up again..." she shook her head, skin turning red around her cheeks

"I've spent time around the inner circle of death eaters, especially Thorfinne. I've never heard of you" he pushed, remembering the big lumbering idiot that was Thorfinne.

The Rowles were a long term death eater family, but they flew under the radar. Not many strove for political power and most lived normal lives outside of their outdated values.

"You think they would tell anyone about my traitor mother? She barely got out with her life when she left. My father was a half blood and they didn't approve" Aysel explained, summoning two shot glasses and fire whiskey

"It's ten am" he remarked yet still downing the shot

"Do you want to know who I am? If you do, I need a little liquor" she sat back, stretching her arms

"By all means" he fought the urge to be sharp and listen

"My mother's name is Ephemera Rowle. Lost daughter. My cousin is Thorfinne. He's rightly serving time in Azkaban. My father's name was Charles Smith, he was a half blood. His mother Opal was a muggle and his father Seamus was a wizard. I have two second cousins who work in the ministry: Rowena and Regina. They didn't know who I was until I got kidnapped by death eaters" she skipped around words, not making eye contact with him as she recounted her family history

"My grandfather, Artullian, commanded my mother to marry another pureblood man and she refused. He had her held hostage for months while my father worked to get her out. Then they hid. And my grandfather decided to let it go until the beginning of the second war. They started up the hunt for us again so that my mother wouldn't let slip any knowledge of former death eaters or past actions. I was pregnant at the time and working at the ministry. I was able to hide who I was for a long time but once they found out, and I still don't know how, but once they did I had to run. Solomon had to live with my mom for almost a year and I regret it everyday"

She stopped for a few seconds, worry lines creasing her face. He knew what it was like to live in hiding and the toll that it took on sanity. A brief glimpse into her past made him realize that perhaps she hadn't taken the time to slow down and realize that she wasn't in danger now. Or perhaps she was. That could explain her attitude and anger towards the world at large.

"Is that why we had to relocate? Are they still searching for you?" he asked curiously

She shook her head, leaning back into her chair in exasperation. A wave of sympathy rushed through him as they sat quietly.

"I didn't mean to drag you into this. But for some reason, we are being linked together..." she apologized, shoulders low

"What did you know about me" he asked bluntly, knowing that this could be his only chance

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