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"Severus?" asked a tiny voice from behind him in the darkened living room early that morning just as the suns rays began to shimmer through.

He turned to see Solomon clutching a navy blue blanket and a worn copy of a book he didn't recognize. The child's face held fear and nervousness.

"Are you alright?" he asked, closing his book and notes

"Mum is still sleeping and I had a nightmare...I saw the light and wanted to know if you could read me a story?" Solomon held out the book, for one moment looking like the small child he was rather than the capable adult he wanted to portray

"I suppose I could do that. Come sit" he gave in, the oddity of the situation striking him silly

Not one single person alive would believe that he would read a story to a child. Or that a child would even want to be near to him. That he would be capable of such tenderness. But here he was.

Solomon clambered up next to him on the sofa, the scent of lavender and lemon wafting off his head. The book he handed over was a collection of Muggle fairytales.

"My granddad is a muggle. We read these together when my mum was gone. My favorite is the little mermaid" he explained as he opened the book up to the correct page

"I've never read that story" Severus admitted, beginning to read, not bothering to add in that the reason was because he used to be embarrassed of his muggle heritage.

Halfway through the tale, Severus realized that Solomon hadn't interjected with any information or opinion and he looked down to find him asleep. Curled up against him like a little pill bug. A strange emotion passed over him as if seeing a vision from a life not fulfilled. What could have happened. Swallowing deeply, he closed the book and began to stand. A tiny arm reached out and wrapped around his elbow like a tentacle. Of course he could break the grasp, but something told him not to.

A small smile formed on his face. A foreign feeling. He settled back into the couch and allowed his eyes to close as well.

He awoke to movement at his left side, Solomon stretching out from his slumber.

"It's about time you two woke up" Aysel teased as she walked in from the kitchen

"I had a nightmare and didn't want to wake you up. Severus read me a story"  he explained, grabbing his book and running to her

"The Little Mermaid?" she asked, eyebrows raised, trying to stifle a laugh

"Of course. I'm hungry now" he ran to the kitchen, feet slapping against the hardwood floor

"Did he bother you?" she asked quietly as he stretched out his arm covered in pins and needles

"No. I needed to catch up on my muggle lore" he teased, unwilling to admit that a part of him enjoyed being a presence that Solomon trusted.

"Didn't you already know that story?" she remarked incredulously

"No. I was much more interested in my magical half as a child. I couldn't wait to escape" he let slip that small detail, not that it wasn't well known now the desperation of his childhood

"Im sorry. So, I got word that I need to go to the Ministry today and discuss with Kingsley my future. Whatever that may be. They sent poly juice potion. Solomon and I will be going in about an hour" she informed him, voice dull and annoyed at the prospect of ministry work

"No! I don't want to go! That's so boring! Can't I stay here? Severus is here" Solomon darted into the room from where he had been eavesdropping, the whine exuding from his body

Severus Snape: The Becoming Where stories live. Discover now