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"You're not going to embarrass our family anymore. I'll be glad to see what they do to you...I'll get so much respect for bringing you in" Thorfinne crowed as he dragged her through the gates at Malfoy Manor

"You didn't even know we were related until a few weeks ago. You think you'll get a big reward for me? I don't snitch" Aysel spit at his feet, anger welling up in her gut

"One meeting with the dark lord and you will be singing a different tune" Thorfinne grinned, the doors opening for him

The room came into view. Dozens of death eaters. And at the head of the table: the dark lord. Voldemort. Except he didn't look powerful, he was weak. Any person who used others for their own ill intent was a coward. A shell of a human. Why were so many people afraid of this man? She could easily do this. And if they killed her, they still wouldn't get any information about the Muggleborns. Her life, her son's life, and her father's life depended on her.

Voldemort leaned in close to her face, staring deeply into her eyes, performing Legilimency

She refused to look away, staring right back into his eyes, jaw set and shoulders straightened.

"I could kill you right now for this insubordination" he whispered in a hollow voice devoid of any sentiment

"Then do it. Because you won't get anything from me" she snarled, looking no where else but his eyes

The prickling sensation of legilimency that had begun at the edges of her skull creeped down to her neck as she purposely blanked her thoughts. The prickling increased to burning. She would not give in and not show discomfort. The burning began to make her head ache as if she may melt. But nothing would escape her lips. Voldemort smiled, the look on his face awkward as if he had never done it before but tried to mimic a photo. And failed.

Her heart sank as he gave the go ahead for his followers to begin the torture. Many faces read discomfort. But the headmaster at Hogwarts, Severus Snape, made an almost unnoticeable grimace. She knew she didn't miss it. What kind of game was he playing?

Lucius Malfoy took his time. He was the type of man who relied on his name. Used his money for sway because his personality wasn't enough. He wasn't smart but he listened to orders. Scrambling for power. He was mediocre at best, unable to finish what he started. Eventually ending his turn with her by slapping her across the face.

Out of all the death eaters, Bellatrix scared her the most. She enjoyed the torture unlike the others who felt the need to do it for some scrap of power. She believed in what was left of her heart that she was better than everyone else. That they deserved punishment and she was the one to justly dole it out. Bella's Cruciatus curse tore through her abdomen, ribs splitting and cracking. No words. It only angered her more.

Just when she thought she may falter, Bella left. In walked Severus Snape. The man who all believed a traitor. But she saw in his eyes a hidden gentleness. A tired and beleaguered soul underneath the stone.

"Give me anything to tell them. Let down your occlumency shields for one moment" he lay down his wand, staring at the floor

"Don't be a traitor to your Master. They sent you in to kill me so do it. I know what you've done Severus Snape. Don't pretend to be what you're not" she had nearly cursed at him, the anger at him coloring her words

"It is up to me and me only to decide what a traitor is. And you don't get to name me either. Perhaps if you gave me some information, I could turn away after" he surmised, looking to the window

He slowly walked over to her, calculated and stiff, working away at her Occlumency. She allowed him to see a few chosen memories. If he decided to kill her then so be it.

Severus Snape: The Becoming Where stories live. Discover now