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Because I love a good crossover, one of my other original characters will be making an appearance in this chapter. I like to believe they all exist in the same timeline but just have other things going on 😉

"Into the bucket, yes, just like that..." Severus instructed a projectile vomiting Solomon that day in February; the poor child could barely come up for air before another wave of nausea ran its course

Aysel sat on the other side of the wall, holding onto the toilet for balance as she wretched, sounds of near torture emitting from her body. The two of them had caught some sort of bug, which had miraculously skipped over him. He rarely got that lucky. However, he couldn't rejoice in that feeling while his two housemates were so violently ill.

"Can you...make it...go away?" Solomon asked in between gags, tears rolling down his cheeks

He waved a hand over the little boys face, cleansing the tears and vomit. He placed a rag, charmed to stay cool on the back of his neck

"I unfortunately cannot make the vomiting stop. But I can give you a sickness reliever after you are done which will help you sleep. Perhaps some soup and ice cream tomorrow?"

Solomon nodded as he lunged forward into the bucket again. Once he was cleaned, Severus walked into the bathroom where Aysel sat hunched on her knees with her forehead in her hands. He performed the same cleansing charm and rag trick, gently placing it on her neck.

The fact that he was caring for two people and not loathing it was proof to him that his soul was starting to thaw.

"Thank you. I'm going to try to walk to my room" she croaked out, her legs buckling as she tried to stand

"Absolutely not. You'll break your neck. I'll help you" he didn't wait for permission, performing a weightless charm and motioned for her to wrap her arms around his neck. If she weren't so sick, she would have put up more of a fight.

Solomon giggled as he watched his mother be airlifted to her room, asking if he could be too when she was done. Severus easily lifted him too, levitating them to Aysel's room where Solomon had a makeshift bed.

Severus laid Solomon down on his mattress, bucket beside him as the little boy fell asleep almost immediately.

"Thank you for taking care of us" Aysel whispered, tired and leaning back against the pillow

"You don't have to thank me. You two are the most pitiful beings on the planet at this moment and even I can't look past that" he teased, arching his eyebrow dramatically so she wouldn't take him seriously

"How blessed I am to be the recipient of your pity" she whipped back, smirk growing on her face

"Your sarcasm is only growing sharper since I've known you" he remarked, tugging up the blankets to her shoulders and retrieving a glass of hot tea for her bedside

"I suppose you're a good teacher" she muttered, snuggling down into the covers

He rolled his eyes but smiled at the backhanded compliment. He began to walk out of the room, but before he could she asked softly

"Could you stay here with us? It just...feels better when you're here"

He sucked in a bit of air, taking one look at her hopeful, vulnerable, and still very queasy expression before acquiescing

"I suppose I can do that" he conjured up a cozy reclining chair, beginning to read.

Within minutes, Aysel fell asleep, messy hair pulled into a top knot and splayed against the pillow. He stared at her, trying to piece together the shift in her over the last several weeks. She had begun to ask him questions, getting to know him. Losing her defensive guard and not trying to out maneuver him. Their chatter had become pleasant, and welcome. Almost as if they were friends. Determined not to overthink it into oblivion, he settled into the chair to read and make notes for his next potion recipe.

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