~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I did not want to go to sleep tonight and I wasn't the only one, I could hear Hermione tossing and turning in her bed across from mine. "Hermione." I said sitting up.

"You can't sleep either?" she asked frustrated.

I shook my head. "I'm worried about Viktor and how my fathers going to deal with it if he doesn't win."

She nodded. "We still don't know why Harry's name was put into the cup, we have no idea what he is going to walk into in the maze, and I've only just started to get to know Viktor. I know my priority should be Harry but he's not the only one I'm scared for now."

We both came to the end of our beds. "I think it's difficult to love multiple people with the same amount of honesty." I admitted.

"Do you feel like a walk?" She asked smiling. I could tell she understood me, she is one of the few people here that do.

It was nice to get out of our room but for a girl who has broken many rules in her time here she kept looking over her shoulder every minute so we wouldn't get caught.

I loved listening to her stories on her time here. The philosopher's stone incident and how she got petrified by a basilisk from the chamber of secrets. The only stories I have are fights between Beauxbaton girls.

"My grandmother used blood magic to save my life once." I said trying to sound interesting.

She stopped walking. "Blood magic?" she said looking instantly intrigued.

"I haven't looked into it much, but she used the blood of two families, and it left me with a block in my brain and I couldn't feel physical pain." Hermione had already started dragging me down the halls towards the library before I had even finished my sentence.

"That explains a lot." She said out of breath.

I forget that the whole class saw my skin melt off my arm. Hermione didn't stop dragging me around when we reached the library. We went down nearly every row, but she was determined to find whatever it was she wanted.

"I found it." She shouted excited.

I shook my head at her and laughed. While she was flipping through the pages of a book I went to check if anyone had heard her scream. The library was beautiful at night. I could see a half moon shinning through the stain glass windows and stars covering the sky. I always thought everything was more bearable at night.

I couldn't see anyone, so I went back to Hermione. "Why did you drag me in here to look at a book?" I asked yawning.

"I knew I had read about this somewhere. I thought no one dared to use the spells anymore but there's this one spell which is used to save a life but if this happened to you..." she stopped.

"What?" I asked suddenly interested.

"Do you know who's blood the person who cast this on you used?" She looked worried.

I starting to get confused so I took the book from her and read it for myself. "Katrina who did this to you?" She asked.

"My grandmother." I mumbled.

I was engrossed in this book. "So, she had to use her blood. Is she alive?"

"Not too sure on that one." I laughed.

"She did die but when let us say weird stuff started to happen to me, she appeared again. It didn't feel like her though. She was always kind to me but the person I saw was evil to the bone." I shivered remembering that day.

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