~Chapter Seven~

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~Chapter Seven~

I must have stumbled into the forbidden forest because nothing looked remotely familiar. The forest is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses many creatures, some dark and dangerous, others friendly. The trees in this forest are considered ancient and rough to the touch because of their exposure to the elements.

Is it weird that I love it?

I fell to the forest floor in a heap, the mud was cold between my fingers but I didn't care that I would get dirty. I just needed to find an output for my anger, I needed to breathe.

Breathe in, breathe out. Should be simple.

"Katrina." My father yelled.

I couldn't find my voice because I was still trying to catch my breath. The wind started to swirl all around me, almost frantically. It helped me to stand up and lean against a tree for support.

"Papa?" I gasped.

All I heard from then was my father's feet pounding against the floor of the forest. When he reached me he scooped me into his arms and carried me off somewhere. I couldn't exactly tell where he was taking me but it was in the direction of the castle.

Sleep was what I was craving but my father practically screamed at me to keep my eyes open. But I just couldn't, I tried but I gave in.

"Moody she's my daughter and she could be expelled for this. Please I beg of you to let this go. I promise that it won't happen again." I heard my father say but his voice was very faint.

If my father was on the other side of the room then whose presence could I feel sitting next to where I was laying.

I started to open my eyes slowly but the light was too bright so I squeezed them back shut and moaned at how uncomfortable it made me.

"Miss Karkaroff?" the man's voice was rough and I knew exactly who it was.

"Does this mean I get out of detention tonight?" My voice came out raspy and I reached for the cup of water on the side. It would have been nice to have a little help but it is Snape so I should know not to get my hopes up. He doesn't care.

"No." He grumbled under his breath.

I once again heard my father rush to my side. "My darling, how are you feeling?" he asked.

How am I feeling? I really do not know how to answer that question. On the one hand I feel exhausted but on the other hand I could still feel a twinge of hatred and anger.

"I've been better." I smiled. It was then I realised Mad Eye was standing next to him.

"What is he doing here?" I snarled while attempting to sit up only to be pushed down by Snape.

I was laid on a bed in what I guess must be my father's quarters. My head was spinning and I felt sick and that was just from looking at Mad Eye's face. God I really wish I could wipe that stupid smirk off his face. I know what my father did was wrong by becoming a death eater but no child should have to grow up without a loving father.

"I am here... Miss Karkaroff to pardon you." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Before I had the chance to scream that I don't want anything from him, my father jumped in. "She... thanks you Moody. Please Katrina just pretend, for me." He pleaded in a hushed voice.

I couldn't take it anymore with Mad Eye smirking at me, my father looking worn out and worried about me, but most of all Snape looking at me with no emotion because that irritated me the most. He's so sexy but at the same time he is so irritating. I nodded my head to my father and walked out. At least Snape knew not to stop me that time.

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