~Chapter Eight~

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~Chapter Eight~

I was walking towards Professor McGonagall's class when I heard a clunking sound coming up from behind me. Mad Eye.

"I heard that you scared Miss Parkinson a few weeks ago." He laughed. I swear he must have had a personality transplant. Everything my father told me about this man is different.

"She deserved to be scared. She actually deserved a lot more." I snarled.

"How you weren't sorted into Slytherin I'll never know." He said to himself in a thoughtful tone.

"Believe me Professor... I can be very Slytherin when I want to be." I started to speed walk down the halls. If I ran it would only give him an excuse to put me into detention.

"Kitty Kat, wait up." Seam came running up behind me as I was making my way to McGonagall's class.

I haven't seen or spoken to Seam in a while because for the past couple of weeks I've been spending so much time studying, either with my professors or Hermione. That girl definitely lives up to her reputation as the brightest witch of her age.

"Hey seam." I smiled. I really liked being friends with Seam. Especially when he blows stuff up, I find it hilarious.

Lavender Brown walked past us and Seams attention was diverted away from me to her for quite a long time before I elbowed him and gave him a pointed look. He had a major crush on her bless him.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Where've you been?" he wined, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He was also trying to change the Lavender subject.

During my new tutoring sessions I've become quite friendly with most of the professors, all except Snape off course. I've stopped teasing him and I've given him some space. Teasing him wasn't getting me anywhere and to be completely honest it hurt to keep getting turned down and mocked. I do miss him though; I've grown fond of just being near him. But all good things must come to an end.

"Studying like the model student I am off course." I laughed.

We walked into the transfiguration classroom and all of the tables were gone and they were replaced with benches along the sides of the classroom. McGonagall waved us all in and told us to take a seat on the benches. Boys were told to sit on one side and the girls on the other. I saw the gramophone in the corner and I immediately wanted to leave.

"The Yule ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception." Professor McGonagall must have asked filch to come and help her with the gramophone. He's creepy.

"On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered frivolity." She continued.

"As representatives of the whole school, I expect each and every one of you to but your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost... a dance. " and there it is.

I walked out.

I don't even think Professor McGonagall even realised because she had her back to me. But I wasn't going to stick around to hear all about a stupid ball with dares and dresses when The Dark Lord is coming back.

People are going to die. Harry Potter is in this Tournament and he never even put his name into the Goblet of Fire. It has been corrupt since the start. This event doesn't deserve to be celebrated with a ball.

"Miss Karkaroff, What are you doing out of class?" Snape asked coming out of the library.

"I could ask you the same question Sevy." I'm not teasing him anymore but that nickname is sticking.

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